The Philosopher from Carnival Island

The Second Letter

Sam Chahine(sechahi at


The First Letter

The Knower

The Fallacy

The Delusion

The Awareness

The Second Letter

The Expression

The Seeing

The Carnival

The Domino Universe

The Third Letter

The Innuendo

The Champion

The Guardians

The Storyteller

The Final Letter


That’s all. Now the physical being understands what “everything” entails, and how they can prepare themself to forget it. Yet, the physical being also understands that you, The Awareness, remain in the absence of “everything”. You remain in the absence of everything, but what are you? You are awareness. However, if awareness is not a thing, and if awareness is not no thing , what will awareness find in awareness? The only way to find out is for awareness to see itself in the absence of all somethings and all nothings.

What can you do? Be yourself. In other words, all you can be is awareness, so it is irrelevant to try and be any thing else. However, what can the physical being within the experience do? Nothing. Believe nothing, assume nothing, fear nothing, search for nothing, think nothing, do nothing and be nothing. Once the physical being surrenders the will to be something, they will become nothing.

The Knower will then be able to know nothingness, yet if there is nothing to know, The Knower cannot exist, for there is nothing left to be known. What remains? The awareness of the knowing of nothing. What remains is the awareness of nothing. In other words, what remains is awareness. The physical being must align themself with the nature of you, The Awareness, in order to allow you to become aware of only awareness. The physical being must find a way to find nothing, whether it be during deep meditation or deep concentration, to allow you, The Awareness, to become aware of only yourself.

The physical being must align themself with the transcendence of The Believer, which is to never fall victim to the menace of doubt. The physical being must align themself with the transcendence of The Knower, understanding that they themself exist within the experience, and are subject to The Knower, in the same way that The Knower is subject to you, The Awareness.

The physical being must come to the realisation that although hallucinations may be experienced within the experience, there is no thing that could harm or hurt you, for you are not within the experience. Whether it be a horrific nightmare, or a frightening experience in the waking state, the physical being must remain completely immune to fear. The physical being must come to the realisation that although they cannot ever comprehend you, The Awareness, they can accept your unfathomable nature.

The physical being can do no more than the doing of nothing, to allow you, The Awareness, to become aware of nothingness. The physical being must surrender the ability of doing anything, to allow you to be. The physical being must understand that they are to The Awareness what a story is to a book. In the same way a film is to the screen, the physical being is to you.

It might seem disheartening at first for the physical being to have no reason to believe in their independent existence, but what good is a book without a story? What good is a screen without a film? What good are eyes with no thing to see? What good is knowing with nothing to know? What good is awareness with nothing to be aware of? All these questions will be answered, but only once the physical being accepts the ultimate alignment of the self, with… nothingness.


On my journey to the awareness of nothing, the physical being I was aware of lost themself many times. It was not easy, and it was hardly ever fun. The joy would come from the realisations, of how I could not be hurt by pain, but only be aware of the knowing of such experience. The joy would come from the realisations that I have only ever been aware of the knowing of death, for the physical being of which I was aware has never died, thus relieving me of the irrational fear of death. Yet, there were many distressful moments where the physical being would question the purpose of their existence, should such a purpose even exist.

It was not necessarily that the physical being wanted to die, but understood that there was no death. At times this may be reassuring, for the awareness is eternal, but in moments where the physical being may have been experiencing sorrow or sadness, the impossibility of death was terrifying. Why would any one want to be forever if a sadness so heavy could exist? Why would any one want to be forever if a pain so damaging could be experienced? Why would any one want to be forever if there is no thing to believe in, at all?

The physical being started to believe they were insane, for the very denial of one’s existence is ridiculous. However, it was through the acceptance of the unfathomable, that the physical being understood what was happening as the knowing of a being who believed in the concept of… insanity. It was not easy, but it was never supposed to be. There were times where the physical being would forget, but thankfully, remembering would always follow. The physical being experienced many times of sadness and depression, but even in the darkest of times, they understood that it was simply an experience, with which the concept of sorrow was associated.

The physical being did not take out their confusion and anger on any one else, for it was understood that everyone may or may not have been experiencing their own story. Instead, the physical being became more empathetic than ever before, for it finally found something in common with all things. The physical being realised that all beings and all experiences are all… here. Everything was here, within the experience. That was all. But where was I?

I am awareness, I always have been aware, no where, yet the physical being of which I was aware simply forgot the nature of awareness. The physical being did not walk this path alone to better themself, but rather to reach the supposed “enlightenment” only few claim to boast. Yet, what ended up happening was the opposite, the physical being found nothing. That is, in the finding of nothing, the physical being I was aware of allowed me, The Awareness, to become aware of nothing, and to finally recognise myself. As a result, the physical being understood that they were exactly where they needed to be, and discovered the beauty of acceptance, ultimately bettering themself, and gaining the desire to help others do the same.

In the finding of nothing, the physical being I am aware of understood that what ever is aware of the knowing of their experience cannot be labelled, known, remembered or understood. Yet, it was the physical being remembering nothing, that allowed for the physical being to understand the impossibility of the awareness. The remembrance of nothing allowed for the realisation that there was simply nothing, no thing, to remember.

Yet, in the remembrance of nothing, the physical being understood everything. The physical being understood the joke of remembering nothing, for there truly was nothing to remember, ever, at all. The physical being understood that I, The Awareness, was aware of the knowing of the experience from no where, so much that they accepted it was ridiculous to even look, yet it was the very search that allowed them to find nothing, wherein I was able to become.

The physical being understood that they had to lose themself, so that there was nothing that I could be aware of, before I, The Awareness, could find the physical being once again. They remembered that though they believed they were lost, this whole time, they had been found, for I had always been aware of them. The physical being understood that there is no use in trying to understand, because I am not able to be understood. The physical being understood that there was no use in trying to remember, for I am not a thing that can be remembered. The physical being finally got the joke, that if I cannot be remembered, as I am not a thing that can be remembered, one must remember… nothing.


The physical being did not wait to reach enlightenment, or to know the ultimate order of the universe, before aligning themself with someone who might have already reached it. In other words, the physical being did not wait to know what cannot be known, before learning to empathise with others. The physical being did not wait to learn what cannot be learned, before trying to find ways to help and improve the livelihood of everyone and anyone. The physical being did not wait to remember what cannot be remembered, nothingness, before treating the world as an adventure wherein friends, family, memories, happiness and joy are all experiences to cherish for they are only ever here, now.

In the same way that there is nothing to remember, there is nothing to wait for. There is nothing that will make the physical being become a better person, or find a reason to keep going, other than the simple fact that they are here, now. There is nothing to live for other than the experience of living. There is nothing that will save you that has not already saved you, there is nothing that will find you that hasn’t already found you. There is nothing to do, that hasn’t already been done. That is, there is no more to do on the path to remembrance, but there is much to do on the way back. Now that you have the tools necessary to observe the experience absolutely, you will be able to recognise expressions of The Awareness in everything.

I cannot help you, for I cannot do any thing, except to be aware. However, I am within you. I am aware of the physical being who wrote this book, as much as you are aware of the physical being who is reading it. If this physical being pursues a conscious understanding of what it means for you to be at all, I have no doubt, for I cannot have any thing, that you will remember… nothing, within which a physical being may find everything.

The following chapters will attempt to explain what is able to be learned from what is already known about the nature of you, The Awareness. How will the physical being, of which you are aware, harness the ability to recognise the paradoxical, infinite and impossible nature of you… in everything?