The Philosopher from Carnival Island

"EXIST" References in The Philosopher from Carnival Island

Sam Chahine (sechahi at

/the-first-letter :

If you were to ask me to tell you what I saw, I would not be able to, for it was not a thing that could be seen. It would be no different to searching for something that does not exist and would be impossible to describe. However, were you to ask me how I was able to see that I see, I would give you this book.

/the-first-letter :

This book is not a spiritual guide nor does it antagonise religion. Rather, it aims to transcend the physical and metaphysical concepts and ideas both factions of belief pertain to. It is not a chronicle of mysticism, nor does it profess or attempt the teaching of psychic or supernatural abilities. Rather, its purpose is to illuminate the algorithmic nature in all phenomenon, and demonstrate the cyclical and repetitive patterns therein. Instead of introducing a new school of thought, it seeks to help you see why the things that exist, exist at all in the exact way that they do.

/the-first-letter :

This is not a reiteration of the various Buddhist teachings, nor is it an amalgamation of other existing philosophies. However, once you complete this journey, you will finally understand why such institutions exist at all. You will understand why we, as human beings, are able to ponder our own existence. You will recognise the ridiculousness throughout the search of what cannot be discovered.

/the-knower :

Albeit, deceit can only exist in the presence of belief. Belief acts as an incubator, where deceit can grow and develop. If there is no belief, there is no potential for deceit. Therefore, if you do not believe, you cannot be deceived. One must be able to distinguish what is believed and what is known in the pursuit of an infallible truth. Thus, it is necessary to dismiss belief as an adequate medium through which truth can be communicated. It is important to observe beliefs simply as thoughts, instead of using them to assess the reality or existence of a thing.

/the-knower :

The Knower simply knows the experience. The Knower does not see, hear, smell, taste or touch, instead The Knower knows the experience in which seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching exist as senses. The Knower does not experience, but knows experience. The Knower cannot do anything other than know.

/the-knower :

The Knower knows not to dwell on thoughts, for they are as wavering as the clouds and as inescapable as death. The Knower does not and cannot think, but rather knows that a thought is being observed. The Knower simply knows that thought is being observed. The Knower does not exist within the five physical senses and thought, but simply knows the experience of sensing.

/the-knower :

The Knower cannot be a man or a woman, but it can know experience of being a man or being a woman. The Knower is not a thing, for a thing can only exist within the experience, therefore The Knower is no thing. However, it can know a thought in which the concept and understanding of a thing exists.

/the-knower :

The Knower does not exist at any specific time, rather it knows one moment, in which the six senses are observed. This moment is now, it is the only moment you have ever known. It is the only moment you will ever know. Any moment that is not now, exists solely in the knowing of a thought that imagines a time other than now.

/the-knower :

In the same way the past only exists in the knowing of a thought in which the concept of a past exists, the future is no more than imagined foresight observed in the same knowing of thought. Any thing that can be expected to happen at a time other than now, is simply the knowing of a thought in which the concept of an imagined future or a remembered past exists. There is no past and there is no future that can exist outside of the knowing of a thought that is happening now. In other words, should a memory or imagined foresight be observed in the knowing of thought, that thought is being known, now.

/the-knower :

It is not the knowing of a physical experience, nor is it the experience that is the illusion. The illusion lies in the knowing of a belief that The Knower can ever exist within this physical experience. However, you are simply aware of it, thus it cannot be you. The experience is subject to you, The Knower, in the same way that a film is subject to the screen.

/the-knower :

The past and the future exist only in the knowing of thought. Though the thought in which they are known will always happen now. You can know a thought of a memory of a past, but it remains as the knowing of a thought, and nothing else. You cannot do any thing other than the knowing of experience, whether it is physical or of a thought. Time exists within the experience of which you are knowing, meaning you, The Knower, are not bound by it. You know now, and in the same way, never. You are momentary, and in the same way, infinite. You have always known, and in the same way, will forever know.

/the-knower :

If the physical whereabouts of a thing is a place, it follows that the non-physical whereabouts of no thing is no place; the whereabouts of no thing is no where. You are not a thing, therefore you are not any where. You are no thing and you are no where. Yet, you know the experience in which a thing can exist in a place, but you are not the experience. You simply know the experience in which concepts of physical things and physical places exist, bound by the limitations of time, but you are not the experience.

/the-knower :

You are not a thing that is bound by time or space, making you momentary and boundless. Since you are not bound by the limitations of time, you are thus infinite, since no time has no beginning and no end. In the same way, you are not bound by space, and you are infinite. No thing exists no where, and no where does not have a space that can be occupied, rather it has no space at all. You are not bound by the limitations of physical space, for you do not, and cannot, exist in a physical place. You have no mass and you have no volume, for mass and volume are concepts that can only exist within the knowing of an experience in which a physical world exists.

/the-knower :

You are no thing and you are no where. You know the experience in which a thing may or may not exist in a place. You know the experience in which a physical being may or may not move. You know the experience in which all things that exist are limited by time, though this experience is known, now; all experiences are known, now.

/the-knower :

You are not a physical thing. You do not exist in a physical world. You are not any where, rather you are no where. You are no where. You are only ever knowing an experience, whether it is physical or of the mind. You are only ever knowing, now. There is no time, other than now, when you are able to be. The concept of a thing “existing” is a fabrication of the mind that exists within the experience. You do not exist within the experience, therefore you cannot exist at all.

/the-fallacy :

That is, how likely is the sun to rise after it has set? How likely is the rain to fall during winter? How likely are you to be the one who finds this something that many can only ponder? How likely is this book to be the book that the physical being you know of needs in order for you to find this something? And finally, why is it that this book is being read, and not another? These questions only exist within the experience in which a physical being has the capacity to ask questions, yet they can never comprehend you, The Knower, so persistent curiosity is inevitable.

/the-fallacy :

The Knower does not exist within the experience, nor can The Knower ever exist, for existing is subject to the experience. In the realisation that you are not a physical being, but the knowing of an experience in which a physical being exists, many problems concerning doubt will arise. However, it is important to remember that you are not a physical being who is aware of all things, but rather you know the experience in which a physical being is experiencing doubt.

/the-fallacy :

When I refer to you knowing your ‘something’, I am not referring to the physical being reading this book, but The Knower, who is knowing the experience in which a physical being is reading. There are no others to know this experience, for the concept or belief that any one else can exist remains within the experience you are knowing. There is no probability or likeliness that you are the only one who is able to know, because there is no probability or likeliness at all. The probability of something happening is a concept exclusive to the experience you, The Knower, know. It cannot exist outside of the experience.

/the-fallacy :

Conversely, since the basis of a coincidence is when two or more things happen at one time, it would be ridiculous to ponder the possibility of coincidence of no things in no time. That is, The Knower only knows one moment, now. Any coincidence that is able to exist, can only exist within the experience, yet you are not within the experience. Any coincidence that is able to happen, can only happen within the experience, yet you are not within the experience.

/the-fallacy :

For a coincidence to be valid, there must exist a spectrum of time along which things may or may not happen, but The Knower exists in no time. You, The Knower, are knowing the experience in which a physical being is able to recognise a coincidence in the picking up of the book, but you are not within the experience. It is inconsequential to try and relate concepts belonging to the experience to The Knower, since the experience is subject to The Knower, not the other way around.

/the-delusion :

You are The Knower, who does not exist in time, but rather no time. You are The Knower who is not a thing, but rather no thing. You are The Knower, knowing the experience in which a physical world exists. You are knowing the experience in which a physical world exists, wherein such a world would have the necessary beliefs and deceptions to keep you in it. That is, the physical being would believe The Knower is experiencing a physical world, yet by definition of The Knower, The Knower only knows. Therefore, The Knower can know the experience in which a physical being believed they were a physical being, but will forever be the knowing of such experience.

/the-delusion :

Because of the familiarity expressed by your very being of The Knower, The Knower is able to know the experience in which a physical being may believe they are The Knower. However, it is only when the physical being forgets that they cannot be The Knower, that you, The Knower, will know the experience in which a physical being may believe they are experiencing knowing as opposed to being known as an experience. In other words, the physical being may forget that they are unable to be The Knower, for they exist within the experience, yet it will still be you, The Knower, who is knowing the experience in which a physical being forgets their limitations.

/the-delusion :

It is not that The Knower is knowing an illusion, wherein the concepts and ideas of an experience are explored, but rather The Knower is knowing an experience, wherein the concepts and ideas of illusions are explored. Therefore, it is very easy for the physical being to find perfect reasoning for the doubt they may experience in regards to their own existence. It is easy for the physical being to accept that they are able to exist independent of The Knower knowing, although the physical being cannot exist unless the experience in which they exist is known by you, The Knower.

/the-delusion :

It is also very easy for the physical being to find a reason within the experience that satisfies their inability to comprehend The Knower, ultimately resulting in a disbelief that such a being, you, may even exist. Yet, even in the disbelief and assertion that you do not exist… the physical being would be correct, for you are not able to exist at all, wherein lies a joke. Luckily for you, The Knower, you are only ever knowing, and you do not know reasoning or disbelief, but rather the experience in which reasoning and disbelief may or may not exist.

/the-delusion :

A misconception about the nature of the experience is that it is all a hallucination. This can be confusing because in the same way a physical being experiencing hallucinations can believe that dragons are real, they can believe The Knower is not knowing. Yet, hallucinations exist within, and are subject to, the experience, not the other way around. You are not able to hallucinate, you are only able to know the experience in which a physical being may or may not experience hallucinations.

/the-delusion :

Both the dreaming state and the waking state work similarly in convincing the physical being that the remembrance of their experience is the only reality. The dreaming state and waking state exist to prevent the physical being within the experience from seeking what cannot be sought, The Knower. It is not because the experience necessarily dislikes The Knower, nor is it afraid of knowing The Knower, the experience simply does not and cannot know The Knower.

/the-awareness :

It has already been established that you do not have an identity, but rather you know the experience in which a being is associated with an identity. Similarly, you are not a person, people and you do not have a name. Rather, you know the experience in which a person can exist among others of the same kind, each with their own name. For a “who” to exist, there must be an experience to whom a being may belong, but you are not a being experiencing any thing. You are, however, knowing the experience in which a being may be referred to in question with the pronoun “who”.

/the-awareness :

You have no purpose and you have no reason, for purpose and reason exist within the experience, but you do not. For The Knower to ask itself “Why am I?”, it must be capable of questioning, but it is not for it only knows knowing. You only know because you are knowing. You are knowing. You are knowing. The asking of a question is to The Knower what breathing is to a table. In the same way a table does not have the capacity to breathe, The Knower does not have the capacity to ask, but only the capacity to know. What hearing is to the eyes is what the ability to question is to The Knower. In the same way the eyes cannot hear, The Knower cannot question.

/the-awareness :

There is no thing that awareness can be aware of to make it more aware. There are no different levels of awareness one may attain, only one constant, infinite, eternal yet momentary state of awareness. The concept of higher and lower states of a thing exist only in the awareness of the knowing of the experience in which higher and lower states of a thing may exist. You are not a thing, nor are you within the knowing of the experience in which a thing may or may not be, for you are the awareness of it.

/the-awareness :

You are awareness, aware of knowing and of awareness, but you are not separate from the knowing. Where does the knowing come from, in order for awareness to become aware of it? No where! The knowing comes from no where. For a thing to be any where it must exist within the experience in which a thing may or may not be in a place, but experience is subject to knowing, just as knowing is subject to awareness, not the other way around.

/the-awareness :

The physical being must understand that they are subject to the experience, which is subject to the knowing. Similarly, the knowing is subject to you, The Awareness, and you are infinite. The physical being must understand that an infinite being is aware of them, though this infinite being does not and cannot exist within the experience. The physical being must understand that you, The Awareness, are no where, so it is inconsequential to search for you. The physical being must understand that you are unfathomable, for you are infinite and the finite mind cannot comprehend infinity.

/the-second-letter :

The physical being must align themself with the transcendence of The Believer, which is to never fall victim to the menace of doubt. The physical being must align themself with the transcendence of The Knower, understanding that they themself exist within the experience, and are subject to The Knower, in the same way that The Knower is subject to you, The Awareness.

/the-carnival :

Once again, the paradoxical nature of The infinite Awareness is demonstrated through what seems to be finite concepts and ideas. Although there is no abstraction that could exist outside of the experience, the experience is subject to The Knower, to which it is known.

/the-carnival :

The experience is subject to The Knower, and is just as well a tiny expression of the infinite essence of The Knower, veiled in finite understanding. That is, though infinite concepts do exist within the experience, it is a form of infinity that is only able to be accepted, instead of being reached. Yet, The Knower is always reaching infinity, for The Knower is no where, now, meaning The Knower is infinitely no where and infinitely now.

/the-carnival :

Without The Knower to know this experience, it could not be known. Yet, without The Awareness, there can be no awareness of The Knower. You understand that deciding to ride the carousel allowed you to further express the ‘observing a cyclical thing’ abstraction, in the same way The Knower knowing this experience allowed you to exist within it. That is, purposely or unconsciously expressing a specific abstraction allowed for the abstraction to reverberate throughout your experience, expressing itself in some way or another.

/the-innuendo :

You have seen the nothing which all somethings exist to express. The band that fills the stage, only to leave it empty. The eyes that open to see, only to be closed once more. The depression you have endured, only to remember joy. The something  you have been, only to remember the nothing you always were. You realise you are neither nothing nor something, but everything.

/the-champion :

What does it cost the physical being to exist within the experience in which a beautiful garden belongs? What did it cost the physical being to exist within the experience in which a withering garden belonged? What did it cost the physical being to exist within the experience at all? The physical being is not able to escape the expressiveness of the experience, for without the experience, the physical being could not be. In other words, if the experience expressed the abstraction of ‘withering’, and the physical being is subject to the experience, they too will inevitably express the abstraction of ‘withering’.