Although your beliefs may be observed in thought, you afford them a credibility that has the power to supersede any form of logic. Your beliefs, or rather the assertions you believe to be true or untrue, will only hold you back on your journey. You must transcend The Believer, and become The Knower. Fortunately, the next step of becoming The Knower is much simpler, for there are no beliefs to be observed, only the five physical senses and thought.
What is meant by becoming The Knower and transcending The Believer is to completely understand the essence of your experience. It is to know your being. The Knower cannot fall victim to the menace of doubt, for The Knower cannot believe and is only ever able to know. The only things you have ever experienced, as a human being, are the five physical senses and the awareness of thought. In the physical senses all things can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted and felt. In thought, thoughts can be observed. That’s it. You are knowing the five physical senses and thought. All things are subject to the five physical senses and thought. The five physical senses and thought will be referred to as the experience.
The Knower does not believe, but rather knows the experience in which belief may or may not exist. The Knower simply knows what is observed. The Knower does not contemplate what is seen, The Knower simply knows the experience in which a thing may or may not be seen. The Knower does not know if a flower is real or not real, The Knower simply knows the experience in which a flower exists. The Knower does not know if a dream is real or not real, The Knower simply knows the experience in which a dream exists. The Knower does not know if what is known is true, only that it is known.
The Knower simply knows the experience. The Knower does not see, hear, smell, taste or touch, instead The Knower knows the experience in which seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching exist as senses. The Knower does not experience, but knows experience. The Knower cannot do anything other than know.
The Knower knows not to dwell on thoughts, for they are as wavering as the clouds and as inescapable as death. The Knower does not and cannot think, but rather knows that a thought is being observed. The Knower simply knows that thought is being observed. The Knower does not exist within the five physical senses and thought, but simply knows the experience of sensing.
The Knower does not have an identity, for the concept of identity exists within thought. The Knower knows the experience in which an identity is associated with a physical body, though The Knower is neither associated with the identity nor the physical body. The Knower knows the observation of thought, wherein memories exist, yet it does not and cannot remember. The Knower knows a thought in which a memory is observed, though the contents of the thought are insignificant. The Knower knows thought, independent of the contents of what is thought.
If a physical experience of pain arose, The Knower does not feel pain, The Knower simply knows the experience of having felt pain. If a thought appeared, wherein the contents incited sadness or joy, The Knower would not feel sadness or joy. Instead, The Knower would know the experience of sadness or joy. The Knower cannot experience heartbreak, though it can know the experience of heartbreak and know the experience of shedding tears. The Knower can know a thought that holds memories of a past relationship, and it can know a thought that holds the belief of inadequacy, though it cannot feel inadequate.
The Knower cannot be a man or a woman, but it can know experience of being a man or being a woman. The Knower is not a thing, for a thing can only exist within the experience, therefore The Knower is no thing. However, it can know a thought in which the concept and understanding of a thing exists.
The Knower does not experience a physical being, but rather knows the experience of a physical being. The Knower does not experience a thinking being, but rather knows the experience of thought. The Knower simply knows. In other words, The Knower knows the experience in which identity, beliefs, pain, emotions, feelings, senses, concepts and ideas, abstractions, memories and all else exist.
The Knower cannot change, but knows the experience wherein change exists. The Knower cannot grow, but knows the thought in which the understanding of growing exists. The Knower does not have a physical appearance, but rather knows the experience wherein appearances are able to be seen. The Knower is not alive, but rather knows a thought in which the concept of living exists. The Knower cannot know death, but rather knows a thought in which the imagined concept of death exists, for death has never been experienced.
The Knower cannot live or die, though it knows the experience of a living being that has never experienced death. The Knower cannot become depressed or suicidal, instead it knows the experience of a being who is depressed or suicidal. The Knower cannot do any thing other than the knowing of experience, whether it be physical or of thought.
The Knower does not believe they are a human being with thoughts and memories, but instead knows the experience of a human being who believes in the credibility of their memories and ownership of their thoughts. The Knower cannot believe in a God, but rather knows the experience of a being who does or does not believe in the existence of a God.
The Knower does not assume that other beings share the same experience, but knows the experience in which assumptions are made. The Knower does not speak, but rather knows the experience in which the physical expression of speaking may or may not be expressed.
The Knower does not do any thing, rather it knows the experience in which things are done. The Knower does not decide any thing, but rather knows the experience in which a thing may or may not be decided. The Knower does not know between right and wrong, but rather knows a thought in which the concepts of right and wrong exist.
You know the concept or idea of a fireplace. You know the concept or idea of warmth. You know the concept or idea of a humble cabin. You know the concept or idea of knowing a concept or idea. You know what you know in this single moment, but when is this single moment? What is time? Is The Knower able to know time? Is the Knower able to change in time? Has The Knower ever known any thing in the past, and will The Knower ever know any thing in the future? What is the past and what is the future? When is The Knower?
Exploring the concept of time from the perspective of The Knower instead of The Believer allows for an objective understanding of time that is unaffected by the hindrance of belief. It is important to observe the concept of time from an external point of view, wherein the properties of The Knower transcend the limitations of time. The Knower can only know, but for how long? For how long has The Knower known? When does The Knower know?
The Knower cannot know time, since time is subject to the experience, and The Knower is not within the experience. However, The Knower is able to know the concept of time through the knowing of thought, wherein the idea and conceptualisation of time is understood. Since you are The Knower, I will be referring to The Knower as you, until we once again transcend the current state of awareness. Similarly, although the physical being reading the book may still be actively choosing to read the book, they will be referred to as: the physical being, instead of “you”, for you have transcended the physical being. You have become The Knower.
There is no thing, for the concept of a thing is within the knowing of the experience, or the six senses. The physical being must be ready to let go of everything that is believed, remembered, and soon enough, known, in order to transcend The Knower and become The Awareness. In the becoming, or rather the recognition of The Awareness, you will finally be able to become aware of the knowing of nothing.
Understand that any memory the physical being can possibly remember, is the knowing of a thought, known by the very same Knower that has always known and will forever know. The Knower does not change, for there is no time in which The Knower can change. The Knower does not weary for it does not have a physical body to experience fatigue. The Knower was never born in time, nor will it die in time. The Knower is both momentary and infinite. In the one moment of now, all things are known by you, The Knower.
As your flimsy fingers rake the mahogany table, you ponder the possibilities of your tomorrow. “What will I do?” You think to yourself, “Where will I be? When will I wake? When will I sleep? Where will I go?” The questions you seem to entertain are endless. Unfortunately, you remember that you are The Knower, and The Knower does not have the capacity of pondering the possibilities of any tomorrows.
The Knower does not have the capacity of pondering the memories of yesterday, the happenings of today or the possibilities of tomorrow. However, The Knower knows the experience in which yesterdays, todays and tomorrows exist. You find discomfort in this realisation for it denies any memory you are able to remember, and any dream you are eager to pursue. You are beginning to recognise the everything you must let go of, in order to find your something.
You realise that in the remembering of a past, The Knower is knowing the experience in which a physical being is remembering a past. Similarly, in the pondering of the future, The Knower is knowing the experience in which a physical being is pondering the future. You look to the empty chalice that lays toppled to your left and vividly remember the night before. “How can the memory of yesterday be untrue? How can this experience of remembering be so convincing? How can this empty chalice remind me of a thing that I have never experienced?”
It is not the knowing of a physical experience, nor is it the experience that is the illusion. The illusion lies in the knowing of a belief that The Knower can ever exist within this physical experience. However, you are simply aware of it, thus it cannot be you. The experience is subject to you, The Knower, in the same way that a film is subject to the screen.
In the same way that it is ridiculous to search for a letter that does not exist, it is ridiculous to search for The Knower, for The Knower does not exist. In the same way that the letter is nowhere to be found, The Knower is nowhere to be found, for The Knower is nowhere at all. In the same way the Leprechaun understood how meaningless it would be to search for something that cannot be found, you must understand how meaningless it would be to search for The Knower, for they too cannot be found.
Yet, you are The Knower. You are The Knower that cannot be found. You are The Knower that is nowhere at all. You are The Knower, but The Knower does not have the capacity to search or to find. Should the physical being within the experience believe that they have found The Knower, it is simply that the physical being is believing, but The Knower cannot believe. You, The Knower, are only ever able to know.
You must once again leave behind your knowing of what is known to transcend The Knower, that knows, and recognise The Awareness, that is aware of The Knower. However, you being The Knower has not yet come to an end, for the menace of doubt may still be at large.
The vines that seep through the cracks of your dwindled roof dangle like the thoughts that seep through the cracks of your mind. You notice a similarity in both your dwindling roof and your dwindling mind, in that they are both overwhelmed. “What are the chances… again!” You think to yourself… again! Suddenly, you remember that you are not a physical being that has the capacity to have chances, you are The Knower. You are The Knower, and The Knower is no thing, no where, no one and is only able to know, now.
You are not the mind, and the mind cannot doubt you, for the mind is subject to you. In the same way, you, The Knower, are not within the experience, therefore you cannot experience probability. What I am trying to say is that The Knower has nothing to worry about in terms of doubt, unless the physical being succumbs to the beliefs of the mind. Probability is defined by the Oxford Dictionary as:
As the musty vines spill from above, the fragrance from the tabletop candle spills into the smoulder of the fireplace. The tinder smoke melds with the burning wick. While you wander, you find yourself pondering the act of pondering, and think “What is the probability that out of all the living beings in this world, I am the one to figure it out?” You must remember, that you are not the one to figure it out, because you are The Knower, and The Knower is no one at all. You are no one, and you are only ever able to know. Do not superimpose the limitations of the physical being upon the unfathomable essence of The Knower.
Before exploring the concept of probability, it is important to note that you, The Knower, are not bound by the probability of any thing. You are only ever knowing, and you are only ever knowing, now. The Knower cannot ponder the probability of a thing, but can know the experience in which a physical being may or may not ponder the probability of a thing.
The Knower does not exist within the experience, nor can The Knower ever exist, for existing is subject to the experience. In the realisation that you are not a physical being, but the knowing of an experience in which a physical being exists, many problems concerning doubt will arise. However, it is important to remember that you are not a physical being who is aware of all things, but rather you know the experience in which a physical being is experiencing doubt.
Do not be fooled by the delusion that is trying to assign a quantifiable probability to no thing, for it is impossible. This knowing of an experience is happening now, to no one, no thing, and it is happening no where. The probability of this happening is both impossible, and definite, which yields a paradoxical truth that will not help you at all in the search for comfort, but instead further confuse the physical being. There is no point in trying to comprehend the probability or likeliness of you, The Knower knowing this experience, being the only one who is able to know, because you are the only one at all. The Knower is the only Knower, and you are The Knower.
You, The Knower, are not able to have chances, nor do you have the capacity of depending on the probability of something, for you are nothing at all. You walk to the journals that remain scattered on the wooden table. Curious of all the titles in your possession, you slowly pick up the Book of Han. To your surprise, you think it a wondrous coincidence that all of the titles are missing the letter “I”. ‘Odyssey’, ‘Ramayana’, ‘Book of Han’ and ‘The Wasps’ were all titles that were missing the letter “I”. However, the coincidence was not the unlikely linguistics, but that in the same way the “I” cannot ever be found, The Knower too cannot ever be found.
To further clarify, coincidences may or may not happen in the experience known by you, The Knower. However, you are neither the experience nor are you within it. You are not within the experience, making you unable to experience the phenomenon that is coincidence. This is not to deny the existence or presence of coincidences in the physical world, but rather to demonstrate that you are not within the physical world. You are not within the experience in which coincidences may occur, so it would be invalid to ponder the possibility that what is happening right now, which is The Knower knowing, is a coincidence.
Conversely, since the basis of a coincidence is when two or more things happen at one time, it would be ridiculous to ponder the possibility of coincidence of no things in no time. That is, The Knower only knows one moment, now. Any coincidence that is able to exist, can only exist within the experience, yet you are not within the experience. Any coincidence that is able to happen, can only happen within the experience, yet you are not within the experience.
Once you try to contemplate the relationship between any concepts belonging to an experience and yourself, The Knower knowing an experience, only paradoxical answers will arise. The experience, or the concepts within the experience, cannot comprehend the nature of something that is non-experiential. The experience cannot comprehend the nature of you, The Knower, for you are non-experiential. Paradoxes will arise when the experience attempts to comprehend all that is non-experiential.
To ponder the likeliness of coincidence or probability that The Knower is knowing at all will only bring your awareness back to the experience you have transcended. You, The Knower, are not able to know coincidence or probability, only the experience in which coincidences or probabilities may or may not exist. You are not within the experience, making you unable to experience any thing at all, including the recognition of coincidence and probability; you are only ever knowing the experience, not experiencing it.
You ogle at the tangled mess that sits upon your wooden table. “I choose to pick up this candle” you mumble as you pick up the burning candle. It is not that the physical being is not able to make decisions, but simply that you are not the physical being. The Knower knows the experience in which a physical being makes a decision to pick up a burning candle. You are The Knower, not the physical being.
Although you are aware that you are The Knower, that can only ever know, it may be distressing to realise that The Knower cannot, and does not make decisions. You, The Knower, do not have the capacity to make choices or to use decisiveness in any way or manner. This is one of the hardest realisations to come to terms with, one that supposedly disavows a physical being’s right to freewill. However, if distress and affliction arise, remember that you are not the physical being experiencing them, but The Knower knowing the experience in which distress and affliction may or may not arise.
This is not disavowing freewill, only denying its existence outside of the experience. This is not suggesting that the physical being is not in control of what decisions are made, but rather that it is inconsequential to even question The Knower knowing, from within the experience. You are no thing, you are no where, you are only ever knowing, now, and you are incapable of making decisions, for there are no decisions to be made outside of the experience. It is not that you are choosing to know, but rather that you are knowing and that is all. The concept of decisiveness exists within the experience, but you are not within the experience.
The Knower is knowing the experience of a physical world and knowing the experience of the mind. There is no time in which The Knower is knowing, for The Knower is only knowing now. That is, time is subject to the experience. Yet, such experience seems to have the capabilities of elongating the one, eternal moment of now, into what we know to be memories, or imagined foresight into the future. The physical being may doubt the reality of your transcendence with questions similar to “How do I know I’m not going insane?”, “What if I’m just hallucinating?” and “Is what I’m seeing real?”
In this instance, The Knower is knowing the experience of a physical being dreaming. The Knower does not dream, nor does The Knower recognise a difference between reality and a dream, for The Knower is only able to know the experience. Therefore, The Knower is knowing the experience of a physical being dreaming, but you are not the physical being, you are The Knower.
In the knowing of the experience of the physical world, the physical being may fall victim to the menace of doubt, more often than not. The physical being may doubt themself, as well as believe that they are not strong enough to fulfil the alignment this journey requires. Yet, it is important for the physical being to remember that The Knower cannot know belief, but only the experience in which beliefs may or may not exist. This means, that should the physical being assume The Knower is doing any thing that is not the knowing of an experience, the physical being has simply forgotten the eternal essence of The Knower. The physical being has forgotten the essence of The Knower, for The Knower can only ever know.
You are The Knower, who does not exist in time, but rather no time. You are The Knower who is not a thing, but rather no thing. You are The Knower, knowing the experience in which a physical world exists. You are knowing the experience in which a physical world exists, wherein such a world would have the necessary beliefs and deceptions to keep you in it. That is, the physical being would believe The Knower is experiencing a physical world, yet by definition of The Knower, The Knower only knows. Therefore, The Knower can know the experience in which a physical being believed they were a physical being, but will forever be the knowing of such experience.
The experience with which the physical being may feel extremely familiar, only feels familiar because it is all The Knower has ever known. That is, the familiarity the physical being experiences is actually the familiarity you, The Knower, possess in regards to only ever knowing. In the same way you know the experience of being yourself, you are The Knower, who only knows. That is, the immeasurable familiarity the physical being has with themself, for no reason other than their very being, is the expression of how well The Knower may know the experience. The Knower may know the experience, but never fall into the experience. The Knower may never become a part of the experience.
It only takes one moment to remember the essence of The Knower, for it is in the one moment of now that The Knower is knowing. Yet, there are many mechanisms within the experience known by you, The Knower, that seem to persuade the physical being that you, The Knower, are within the experience. The familiarity you have with the knowing of the experience is in itself the essence of The Knower, yet in the knowing, the physical being can forget that you are The Knower.
The physical being must align themself with what it truly means to be The Knower, casting aside any beliefs or doubts, preconceptions or any thing that is not knowing of the experience. Unfortunately, the experience will always try to satisfy the physical being into being able to let go of the essence of The Knower that is knowing. It will always try to satisfy the physical being into being convinced that The Knower is experiencing an experience, but you cannot experience any thing, for you are The Knower, and you can only ever know.
To say that you are familiar with this experience would be an understatement. You are so familiar with this experience because you have only ever known this experience, meaning you know nothing else. Yet, it is a sense of familiarity that is almost impossible to detach from, unless The Knower knows the experience in which a physical being is in alignment with The Knower. That is, the physical being from within the experience has aligned themself with the unfathomable comprehension of The Knower. For example, the physical being can never be The Knower, nor can they comprehend The Knower, but they can accept that they can never comprehend The Knower. The physical being can never comprehend The Knower because they are subject to The Knower.
An interesting illusion the experience will impose on the physical being is how familiar a person is with their physical experience. However, the familiarity a physical being feels with their physical experience is actually the familiarity you, The Knower, hold in regard to knowing, as it is all The Knower has ever been capable of. The physical being must understand that their illusive familiarity has the capability of being fabricated in one moment, whereas The Knower has only ever known. For example, The Knower can know the experience in which a physical being may believe they are extremely familiar with the physical body they are experiencing, but it remains that you are only ever knowing.
When I allude to a physical being who does anything, whether it be aligning themself, or coming to terms with the essence of you, The Knower, I am speaking of the physical being of which you are knowing. The physical being which you are only ever knowing within the experience. That is, if I said to let go of all beliefs, The Knower would not be able to, for The Knower does not have the capacity to believe. However, the physical being would have the capacity to do a thing within the experience, allowing you, The Knower, to know the experience in which a physical being is doing something suggested by this book.
In the same way the physical being may not ever comprehend The Knower, for the physical being is subject to The Knower, the physical being dreaming about drinking in a bar can never know the whereabouts of the physical being who is dreaming. It would be ridiculous for a character in a dream to search for the one who is dreaming them into existence. Similarly, it would be ridiculous for the physical being to search for The Knower who is knowing them into existence.
It is impossible for the experience to know The Knower because the experience is subject to The Knower, not the other way around. Though the experience can create the illusion of a physical being who is able to comprehend The Knower, it is you knowing the experience in which a physical being believes that they are able to comprehend or be The Knower. Yet, they cannot be The Knower, because you are The Knower, and you are not a physical being.
Because of the familiarity expressed by your very being of The Knower, The Knower is able to know the experience in which a physical being may believe they are The Knower. However, it is only when the physical being forgets that they cannot be The Knower, that you, The Knower, will know the experience in which a physical being may believe they are experiencing knowing as opposed to being known as an experience. In other words, the physical being may forget that they are unable to be The Knower, for they exist within the experience, yet it will still be you, The Knower, who is knowing the experience in which a physical being forgets their limitations.
It is not that The Knower is knowing an illusion, wherein the concepts and ideas of an experience are explored, but rather The Knower is knowing an experience, wherein the concepts and ideas of illusions are explored. Therefore, it is very easy for the physical being to find perfect reasoning for the doubt they may experience in regards to their own existence. It is easy for the physical being to accept that they are able to exist independent of The Knower knowing, although the physical being cannot exist unless the experience in which they exist is known by you, The Knower.
“Why do you think that you can tell me the whereabouts of The Knower, if The Knower cannot be found? Who’s to say The Knower even exists? Who’s to know the presence of The Knower is not of simple belief? Who’s to know The Knower at all?” You prompt the bartender. “You must have forgotten, for The Knower cannot be found, so do not go looking to find. The Knower cannot exist, for The Knower is no thing, hidden in plain sight… no where! The Knower cannot be believed in, so do not go looking to believe, for you will fall victim to the menace of doubt. Another drink?”
All The Knower is able to do is know, and the physical being must surrender themself by accepting that they are subject to the experience, and the experience subject to The Knower. You, The Knower, only ever know, and should the physical being feel a familiarity with their physical body, it would be an illusion imposed by the experience. It is an illusion for it is not how familiar the physical being is with the experience, but rather how familiar The Knower is with knowing, should The Knower have the capacity to be familiar with any thing, yet, you are only ever knowing.
You are only ever knowing, now. The only truth you are able to comprehend, is simply your being of The Knower. Yet, The Knower cannot know truth, but rather The Knower knows the experience in which the concept of truth may or may not be expressed. Although the experience can seem to associate a truth with The Knower knowing, it is only from within the experience that it is known that truth is comprehended.
There is no truth that is external to the knowing of the experience, for truth is subject to the experience, not the other way around. Although the physical being within the experience may believe that The Knower is or is not true, it is from within the experience that the limited understanding of truth is being superimposed over The Knower. Yet, the physical being can never experience any thing that will allow for the unfathomable understanding of you, The Knower, for you are simply unfathomable.
The Knower only knows the experience in which a physical being is able to comprehend physical concepts within the experience. Therefore, the physical being cannot know or understand what they do not know or understand. The physical being is subject to the experience, and the experience is subject to The Knower, yet you are The Knower. You are The Knower, and should the physical being ever experience the menace of doubt in regard to The Knower knowing the physical being’s experience, it is simply because the physical being within the experience has forgotten the essence of The Knower. You cannot forget the essence of The Knower which is to simply know, because you do not have the capacity to forget, but only to know. You simply know, and that is all.
The Knower cannot know belief, for belief is subject to the experience. The Knower cannot know doubt, for doubt is subject to belief. The Knower cannot know a physical being, for a physical being is subject to the forgetting of the essence of The Knower. You are not able to believe you are not The Knower, but you are able to know the experience in which a physical being has forgotten the unfathomable essence of The Knower. Forgetting occurs when the physical being forgets the unfathomable essence of The Knower, which is to simply know, now.
There is no time when you can forget the essence of The Knower, for it is you, but it is possible that The Knower is knowing the experience in which a physical being has forgotten the unfathomable essence of you. In the forgetting of the essence of you, the physical being may attempt to remember The Knower, forgetting that it is impossible, only then would the physical being become aware of the illusion of The Knower being able to forget.
Yet, The Knower does not have the capacity to forget, in the same way the sun does not have the capacity to be any thing other than the sun. The Knower does not have the capacity to forget, in the same way the clouds in the sky cannot be any thing other than clouds in the sky. Why would the clouds even try to be any thing else? They simply are! In the same way, The Knower would not be able to be or want to be anything else, for The Knower simply is! It may seem extremely obvious that The Knower cannot forget, yet it is the knowing of an experience in which a physical being forgets that is the illusion, not the experience itself.
A misconception about the nature of the experience is that it is all a hallucination. This can be confusing because in the same way a physical being experiencing hallucinations can believe that dragons are real, they can believe The Knower is not knowing. Yet, hallucinations exist within, and are subject to, the experience, not the other way around. You are not able to hallucinate, you are only able to know the experience in which a physical being may or may not experience hallucinations.
One of the most common forms of experiential hallucinations physical beings are familiar with are dreams. In the same way The Knower cannot experience a physical world, The Knower cannot experience a dream. Rather, The Knower knows the experience in which a physical being may or may not be experiencing a dream. The dreaming state is subject to the experience, therefore The Knower can never know a dream, only the experience in which a dream may or may not exist.
Upon awakening from a dream, a physical being tends to find reassurance in the fact that what was remembered was simply happening in a dream, thus relieving themself of the ramifications therein. Although the physical being experiences a dream, The Knower knows the experience in which a physical being may or may not experience a dream. In the same way, The Knower knows the experience in which a physical being identifies the experience remembered from a dream as a hallucination, but The Knower cannot hallucinate.
Though the physical being can never know you, The Knower, they can align themself with the essence of you. That is, the essence of you is that you are not bound by time, thus making you momentary, yet eternal. The physical being can also understand that you are not bound by space or physical limitations, thus making you boundless, and infinite. Although the physical being understands that their experience is finite and bound by both time and space, they must come to accept that The Knower is unfathomable. The physical being must understand that any attempts to comprehend The Knower will be met with failure.
Should the physical being expose themself to the vivid feeling of experiencing a physical world through either the waking state, dreaming state or other forms of hallucinations, they must remember to align their understanding of the essence of you, The Knower, with their experience. That is, the physical being must understand that although it feels like they are experiencing a physical world, they understand that it is The Knower knowing the experience in which a physical being is able to experience a physical world. In other words, the physical being must align their observation of the physical world in the same way The Knower knows the experience, with no judgements or assumptions.
The physical being must come to terms with the surrender of their being as the experience being known, rather than the being who experiences. It can be very difficult for the physical being to let go of their beliefs about what they are and what they are capable of, but the physical being must simply not believe. It can also be very scary to not know any thing about The Knower, yet comply with the understanding that The Knower is no thing, no where and only ever knowing, now. It can be scary because if The Knower is knowing the experience, meaning the experience is subject to The Knower, even if the experience disappears and ceases to exist, The Knower remains. Yet, it is this very disappearance of the experience you, The Knower, must be aware of, for The Knower is only ever knowing, but what can The Knower know if there is no experience to be known?
The physical being must know that although they are able to feel the sensation of pain, The Knower can never be wounded from the experience. The Knower only knows the experience in which the concept of physical pain may or may not be experienced, but The Knower will never experience pain. Although the physical being is trying to align themself with the essence of you, The Knower, it will be very difficult to let go of the belief that pain is a real experience, rather than the knowing of experience.
It is a ridiculous feat to conquer the intimidation brought about by the experiencing of fear and pain, but the physical being must not be afraid of any physical consequences. The physical being must understand that although the experiencing of fear and pain may feel extremely authentic and real, they cannot fear any thing. Instead, they must trust their understanding of the essence of The Knower, wherein The Knower becomes imperishable, deathless and immortal, for pain, death and mortality are all concepts subject to the experience. It is important for the physical being to align themself with the essence of you, The Knower, so that you are able to know the experience in which fearlessness is expressed, ultimately allowing the physical being to let go of any fears they may possess.
In the same way the character in the dream must trust that the dreamer cannot ever be harmed, you must trust that The Knower cannot ever be harmed. What the character in the dream is to the dreamer, you are to The Knower. “I understand.” You ponder the horrifying consequences of swallowing the purple juice, as you make your peace. “Cheers!”
As the metallic texture of the silver chalice brushes upon your lips, you gulp the purple pulp and guzzle down the fruity hooch. “Oh!” You exclaim, “This isn’t as disgusting as it looks.” The bartender smiles at you as they bid you farewell, “That’s all from me. One more thing before I forget. If you want to find The Knower, close your eyes, and you will find nothing! Get it? You will find nothing? And The Knower is nothing? Eh, that’ll get you far enough. Ta-ta!”
The physical being must not actively seek to conquer fears, experience harm or face death, but rather be prepared for you, The Knower, to know no experience at all. No knowing of experience does not mean the physical being dies, but simply that The Knower, you, is not knowing the physical experience. Instead, in the absence of an experience, The Knower is knowing no thing. The physical being must come to terms with surrendering their fears in order for The Knower to know no thing, wherein the knowing of no thing will allow The Knower to see what remains in the absence of the experience. Unfortunately, The Knower cannot know itself, for it is not able to be known, but only able to know.
The Knower cannot know itself for it is no thing, no where, and as far is the physical being is concerned, only has the capacity to know the experience. If The Knower tried to know itself, it would know no thing, and it would know no thing no where.
There is nothing at all. There is no one at all. There is no where at all. There is no time in which any thing can change. There is nothing. Alas, I recall the essence of The Knower, in that The Knower too is nothing at all. The Knower too is no one at all. The Knower too is happening now and in no time at all. There is nothing at all, and that is where you find The Knower.
Yet, if you are still aware of The Knower in the knowing of no thing, what is aware of The Knower when it is knowing no thing? What is aware of The Knower when it is knowing nothing?
You are awareness, and you are only ever aware. You are infinite, for you are able to be aware of your awareness. You are aware of your awareness. As you have transcended The Believer, becoming The Knower and recognising The Awareness, it might seem logical to keep transcending. However, there is no more to transcend, for you are only ever aware. Awareness is infinite, for you are aware of awareness.
You have no purpose and you have no reason, for purpose and reason exist within the experience, but you do not. For The Knower to ask itself “Why am I?”, it must be capable of questioning, but it is not for it only knows knowing. You only know because you are knowing. You are knowing. You are knowing. The asking of a question is to The Knower what breathing is to a table. In the same way a table does not have the capacity to breathe, The Knower does not have the capacity to ask, but only the capacity to know. What hearing is to the eyes is what the ability to question is to The Knower. In the same way the eyes cannot hear, The Knower cannot question.
To know how a thing is, you must find a way or manner to explain the process through which an assertion is attained. Luckily for you, you have just finished reading the very assertion I am pertaining to. That is, you have just finished reading up to this specific section of the book, which has thus far explained the very “how” you may or may not be pondering. If you are The Knower, and there is no experience to be known, The Knower remains. Yet, The Knower cannot know itself for it is no thing, no one, no where, for no reason and only now. Yet, in the absence of any thing, you remain, how? It is because you are aware of The Knower, meaning you cannot be The Knower, in the same way The Knower cannot be The Believer.
If The Knower is only capable of knowing, and you are aware of The Knower, you cannot be The Knower. The Knower cannot know the awareness of itself, for it does not have the capacity to be aware of nothingness, but you do. You are not The Knower, for you are aware of The Knower. You are aware of your awareness. You are simply awareness.
Yet, it remains true that although you are only ever awareness, you are aware of what you are aware of. Whether that is The Knower who is knowing, or the awareness of yourself, you are aware of what you are aware of. Yet you are not The Knower, you are awareness.
Although you may have an understanding of your being, awareness, that is limited by the fleeting nature of the mind, you do not need the mind to be aware. You do not need the mind to be. In other words, the mind is to the experience, what the experience is to The Knower, what The Knower is to you, The Awareness. Similarly, The Awareness is to The Awareness what you are to you.
There is no thing that The Believer can believe to make you, The Awareness, more aware. There is no thing that The Knower can know to make you, The Awareness, more aware. There is no thing that The Awareness can be aware of to make you more aware. There is no thing left to learn, for you have shattered all the barriers from the one who believed to the one who is aware, you. What can be done, however, is for the physical being within the experience of which you are aware to align themself with the nature of you, The Awareness.
It may seem ridiculous for the physical being to have come this far in the understanding of you, The Awareness, and so suddenly need to let it go. It may seem ridiculous that after everything, the physical being must literally do… nothing. Yet, it is the very doing of nothing that will allow the physical being to be in complete alignment with you, The Awareness. Accordingly, it is the very doing of nothing that will allow The Knower to know nothing. Finally, it is the very knowing of nothing that will allow The Awareness to be aware of nothing except for itself.
The Knower will then be able to know nothingness, yet if there is nothing to know, The Knower cannot exist, for there is nothing left to be known. What remains? The awareness of the knowing of nothing. What remains is the awareness of nothing. In other words, what remains is awareness. The physical being must align themself with the nature of you, The Awareness, in order to allow you to become aware of only awareness. The physical being must find a way to find nothing, whether it be during deep meditation or deep concentration, to allow you, The Awareness, to become aware of only yourself.
The physical being must align themself with the transcendence of The Believer, which is to never fall victim to the menace of doubt. The physical being must align themself with the transcendence of The Knower, understanding that they themself exist within the experience, and are subject to The Knower, in the same way that The Knower is subject to you, The Awareness.
Although the reaching of enlightenment is paradoxical, in that there is no enlightenment that can be reached, it is possible to reach an understanding regarding the nature of The Awareness. Being able to recognise nothingness in my experience allowed The Knower to know nothing, and The Awareness to become aware of itself in the presence of nothing. Although I did not by any means become a master of meditation, I was able to use my rather peculiar ability of recognising abstractions in concepts and ideas to make apparent the synchronicity all things inevitably share.
The Expression is not something, nor is it nothing. There are no words to describe it, for the simple fact that words are created within it. The Expression is formless and cannot be described, only expressed. In the same way the experience is subject to The Knower, in that no thing within the experience could ever comprehend The Knower, The Expression is unfathomably unfathomable. The Knower cannot know The Expression. But if it cannot be known, can The Awareness be aware of The Expression?
It is not that The Awareness can be aware of The Expression, but rather that The Awareness of The Knower knowing an experience, is a localised fragment of The Expression. If The Expression was an infinite ocean, with no end or beginning, The Awareness would be equivalent to less than one millionth of a single drop of water. However, The Awareness cannot be represented by any thing, other than awareness, but for the sake of illustrating the infinite and unfathomable nature of The Expression, we can use analogies to express the ridiculous correlation between The Expression and The Awareness.
In the process of recognising patterns and abstractions in all things, it is important to know what you cannot know. Now that you have transcended The Believer, The Knower and recognised yourself as The Awareness, it is easier to view the physical being within the experience as no more than a cog in a machine. A very convincing machine. Isn’t it convincing? The machine is the physical experience of the universe, and the cog is the physical being of which you are aware.
For the purpose of clarity, we have established that you are The Awareness, which is aware of all things. That is, you are aware of The Knower knowing the experience in which things may or may not exist. We have also established that you, The Awareness, are not able to do anything. You are not able to find, lose, remember, forget, do, not do, but you are only ever aware.
It is important to note that in the same way The Knower is subject to and can never know The Awareness, you will never know whether or not your interpretation of this experience is shared by anyone else. That is, you will never know if your “blue” is the same as someone else’s “blue”. Although you may both look at the sky and agree that it is in fact “blue”, you will never know if the other person’s “blue” looks like your “red”, and their “red” looks like your “blue”.
The only one that can know your experience, is you. Although it is possible for me to document, demonstrate or retell certain happenings from your experience, it is inevitable that I will superimpose my own interpretation of my own experience, upon yours. It follows, that should you believe that you are able to perfectly understand another’s experience, as well as you do yours, simply remember how quickly The Believer recognised The Knower, and how quickly The Knower recognised you. You can always try to understand another’s experience, but it is important to remember that you will inevitably superimpose your own interpretation of your experience, upon theirs. Try to approach any judgement of others with a respect and humbleness that comes from your awareness that you only know what you know.
Instead of quantifying or estimating the value or significance of a thing, observe it with the utmost objectivity your are capable of, accepting it as it is. If there are two instances of a bird and two instances of a stone, it holds true that there are two instances of a bird and two instances of a stone. Understand that since you are aware of the experience being known, it would make no sense to try and quantify any thing, for neither The Knower nor The Awareness has the ability to quantify.
Accordingly, neither The Knower nor The Awareness has the capacity to express sentimentality. Should sentimentality be expressed in the analysis of abstractions, you are simply aware of the knowing of the experience in which a physical being is experiencing sentimentality. Should sentimentality be expressed at all, the physical being is superimposing their ability to express sentimentality upon the nature of The Awareness, wherein lies the delusion. The delusion lies in the belief that The Awareness and The Knower have the capacity to be any thing other than aware and knowing, respectively.
Although I ask you to recognise and observe the experience, I do not intend to confuse you in regards to the capabilities of The Knower or The Awareness. The physical being should recognise and observe the experience, while being conscious of the essence of The Knower and the nature of The Awareness, so as to allow for the awareness of an experience unhindered by belief, bias, or sentimentality.
The Awareness is aware of The Knower, The Knower knows the experience, and the experience possesses the concept of abstractions.
The Awareness is aware of The Knower, The Knower knows the experience. The experience expresses within itself the 'closing a thing' abstraction, where the many expressions are represented by: door, curtains, drawer, eyelids, etc.
The physical being must remember the infinite nature of The Awareness, always abstracting any concepts and ideas observed in the experience. Furthermore, in the same way you were able to transcend The Believer and The Knower to recognise yourself as The Awareness, you must attempt to not only abstract obvious concepts and ideas, but you must also abstract… abstractions! Should you recognise the abstraction of ‘two things side by side’ , or the abstraction of ‘a thing that is blue’, understand that each abstraction can always be further abstracted.
Because The Knower does not and cannot exist, it has both never been, and yet, it will forever be. In other words, The Knower knows, now, and now is forever. Within the infinite, formless forever, the experience is known. Within the infinite forever, the experience creates the concept of time within itself. The experience elongates the one, eternal moment of now, into what seems to be in a ‘time’ between the past and the future, but The Knower knows no past and no future. Within the formless forever, the experience creates the concept of space within itself, expanding the one, boundless whereabouts of here, into what only seems to be between no where and somewhere.
The experience is subject to The Knower, and is just as well a tiny expression of the infinite essence of The Knower, veiled in finite understanding. That is, though infinite concepts do exist within the experience, it is a form of infinity that is only able to be accepted, instead of being reached. Yet, The Knower is always reaching infinity, for The Knower is no where, now, meaning The Knower is infinitely no where and infinitely now.
However, through our exploration of the nature of The Awareness, what we have learned about the paradoxical nature of infinity is that what is, also is not. In other words, although The Knower is no where, The Knower is also here! In the same way The Knower is now, The Knower is also never!
The experience is an infinitesimally small expression of the essence of The Knower, where time is finite, things may or may not begin and end, and space is limiting. The abstraction of the experience is The Knower, yet The Knower is no thing, therefore it cannot be an abstraction. However, we must understand that since language exists within the experience, it superimposes the limitations bestowed upon it by the experience, on The Knower, disavowing any truths we may aim to find.
We must understand that although The Knower is no thing, and does not have the capacity of being an abstraction, since The Knower only ever knows, we must consciously remember and accept that it cannot be an abstraction. However, we are able to say that the experience expresses the infinite essence of The Knower, rather than The Knower itself. Instead of labelling no things, like The Knower and The Awareness, as abstractions, we can assume that they are being expressed by some thing. Therefore, it follows that the infinite essence of The Knower expresses The Knower, but what is The Knower expressing?
We have established that The Knower can never know itself, for it is no thing. Therefore, if The Knower tried to know itself, it would know nothing. What is The Knower expressing? Once again, we are faced with the issue of concepts from within the experience superimposing their limitations on what transcends the experience, namely The Knower. Yet, The Knower must be an expression of… well, not something and not nothing.
If there is no something and no nothing and no knowing, what remains? The Awareness! In the same way the experience is an expression of the infinite essence of The Knower, The Knower is an expression of the unfathomable nature of The Awareness. Without The Awareness, The Knower cannot be, for there will be no awareness of the knowing. Yet, without The Awareness, there is still The Awareness of no awareness. Therein lies the paradox! The unfathomable, ridiculous and infinite nature of The Awareness.
The Awareness is not necessarily the abstraction The Knower is expressing, for it cannot be an abstraction. It is better to say that The Knower is expressing The Awareness, and is subject to The Awareness. Similarly, it can be said that all things and all no things are expressions of the unfathomable and infinite nature of The Awareness.
An example of an expression of the unfathomable and infinite nature of The Awareness can be seen within The Knower. The Knower is infinite, for it is neither bound by time nor space. The Knower is infinite in that it can know any thing. Yet, what is unfathomable… is The Knower! It can never know itself, for it is no thing and no thing cannot be known. The ridiculous nature of The Knower is that though it is only ever able to know, it can never know itself.
However, The Awareness is always aware of itself, even when it is not. The Awareness is both absolute and not absolute. The Awareness is, and is not. The Knower may be infinite, but it can neither know itself nor The Awareness. The Knower is subject to The Awareness, and in the same way, the experience is subject to The Knower. The Knower is an expression of the unfathomable nature of The Awareness, and in the same way, the experience is an expression of the infinite essence of The Knower.
Examples of expressions of the infinite essence of The Knower within the experience are eyes that cannot see themselves, seeing and hearing thoughts that cannot be seen nor heard and our inability to understand what cannot be understood. In the same way The Knower is knowing, a physical being within the experience is experiencing. At this point, it should become apparent that all things and all no things express the nature of what they are subject to.
All things are expressions, in that any thing within the experience is either expressing some thing or no thing. As we transcend the experience, we cannot label The Knower or The Awareness with an experiential concept, for they are not within the experience. Instead, we are able to deduce that the experience is an expression of the infinite nature of The Knower, and The Knower is an expression of the infinite, unfathomable and paradoxical nature of The Awareness.
You are pleased with your recognition of abstractions and their repetitive expressions. The abstraction of ‘repetition’ is another expression of The Awareness, since The Awareness is aware of itself, repeatedly and eternally. You are starting to realise that through the abstracting of the experience, there are patterns and characteristics, like repetition and expressiveness, that are always present. That is, the very observation that they are always present is an expression of The Awareness always being aware and The Knower always knowing.
How does ridiculousness express The Awareness? You remember transcending The Knower by becoming aware of The Knower. Since you were aware of The Knower, you could not be The Knower. Then you recognised that you are The Awareness. In the recognition of yourself, The Awareness, you recognised that you are aware of The Awareness, which meant you could not be The Awareness… yet you are. That is ridiculous!
You recognise that although there are multiple wooden horses, they are all moving in unison. In the same way, you recognise that although there are multiple wooden horses, some that look completely different, they are all a part of the same carousel, which unifies their dualistic nature. The carousel unifies the wooden horses in the same way The Knower knows one unified experience in which the concept of duality exists.
Though the immediate experiencing of a thing may not hold any significance or value, it is the abstraction of such experience that allows for a transcendental analysis. In this case, the unifying nature of the carousel is seen as an expression of the unifying nature of The Knower only ever knowing one experience, in which the abstraction of ‘two’ exists.
In the same way that abstractions can forever be abstracted, The Knower always knows and The Awareness is always aware. In the same way abstractions can abstract abstractions recursively and forever, The Awareness is aware of The Awareness recursively and forever. You start to appreciate abstractions as a medium through which physical concepts and ideas can be expressed and related back to The Awareness, which all things express. Instead of only ever being aware of the knowing of the experience, you are now able to delve into the experience and use the concept of ‘abstracting’ to analyse and break apart, as well as unify, any and every concept and idea you may or may not come upon.
You look around until you find a wooden horse whose artistry you fancy, and you prepare yourself for the ride. As you climb upon the worthy steed, you understand that this is the wooden horse that you picked. This horse being picked was no coincidence. In the same way The Knower does not have the capacity to experience a coincidence, you have aligned your observation of the experience with the essence of The Knower and the nature of The Awareness. You have aligned yourself, in that though you may believe you are experiencing a coincidence, what is happening is simply happening.
The first expression which expressed this abstraction was you observing the cyclical movement of the carousel. The second expression was the revelation that infinite and cyclical things are able to be observed finitely. You found that in the same way you allowed yourself to observe the ‘observing a cyclical thing’, The Knower allowed the physical being to do… anything. The Knower allowed the physical being to do, by knowing them into existence.
Without The Knower to know this experience, it could not be known. Yet, without The Awareness, there can be no awareness of The Knower. You understand that deciding to ride the carousel allowed you to further express the ‘observing a cyclical thing’ abstraction, in the same way The Knower knowing this experience allowed you to exist within it. That is, purposely or unconsciously expressing a specific abstraction allowed for the abstraction to reverberate throughout your experience, expressing itself in some way or another.
You recognise that the little Leprechaun playing with its dominos for no reason is an expression of the infinite and non-reasoned nature of The Awareness. It is only aware because… it is aware! In the same way, The Knower is knowing the experience for no reasonother than the knowing of experience. You find a correlation between the concept of ‘fun’ and the non-reasoned nature of The Knower and The Awareness. What is the purpose of having fun, if not for the purpose of having fun?
What is so spectacular about the recognition of abstractions and reverberations? What is so special about being able to recognise abstractions from the expression of any thing? What is so great about being able to correlate abstractions within the experience to the essence of The Knower or the nature of The Awareness?
So, a joke can be ridiculous, illogical and insensible. Instantly, you get it, but only because you can’t. That is, you remember the essence of The Knower, in that you are unable to comprehend The Knower, for The Knower is no thing, no where and only ever knowing, now. You understand the essence of The Knower, but you can never comprehend The Knower. Therefore, you get it, but only because you can’t.
Similarly, The Knower is only ever knowing, but if it was to know itself, it would know nothing, for it is no thing. If it tried to find itself, it would find nothing, for it is no where. If it tried to recognise itself, it would recognise nobody, for it is no one. The Knower is always knowing, yet it can never know itself. That is, the essence of The Knower is illogical because it does not have the capacity to be logical, or to know itself. In the same way, The Awareness is illogical in that, The Awareness is aware of The Awareness, so it cannot be The Awareness… but it is. How illogical!
A Jester is subject to and an expression of the abstraction of a joke. A joke is subject to and an expression of the illogical essence of The Knower. The Knower is subject to and an expression of the paradoxical nature of The Awareness. The Awareness is subject to and an expression of… itself! The Awareness is a joke, for it is both illogical and unreasonable, whether or not it is a funny joke is subjective.
Unsure of the punchline, you try to decipher what you assume is the Jester’s attempt at a joke. Your mind is thinking at a hundred miles per hour, trying to find different ways to make sense of the joke, but to no avail. Then you remember, that in the same way The Knower is unable to be known, and The Awareness is unfathomable, there is no point in trying to comprehend a joke that not even the Jester can understand. That is, the Jester not being able to understand itself, is an expression of The Knower never being able to know itself. The punchline is that the punchline does not exist, yet it does, for the punchline is that the punchline does not exist.
You recognised the experience from the knowing of The Knower, and The Knower from the awareness of The Awareness. Yet, in the recognition of The Believer, The Knower and The Awareness, you were only ever one. That is, in the beginning you were one physical being believing. Then, you were The Knower knowing. Finally, you recognised yourself as The Awareness, which is only ever aware.
You recognise parallel growth in both the anticipation of the rope walk and your disorderly excitement. The closer they near the rope, the closer you are to seeing them walk the rope. The closer you are to seeing them walk the rope, the closer The Knower is to knowing the experience in which a fellow walks a rope. The closer The Knower is to knowing the experience in which a fellow walks a rope, the closer The Awareness is to be aware of a fellow who walks a rope. You remember that you are aware, yet in the awareness you are able to abstract expressions within one moment of the experience, infinitely.
In the same way the mime has the potential to express itself infinitely in the emptiness of space, The Awareness has shown to express itself, infinitely, in the presence of nothingness. In the same way you are able to assume the storyline the mime is suggesting, you are able to assemble patterns and reoccurring abstractions and expressions veiled in ambiguity. In the same way you are able to assemble patterns and reoccurring abstractions and expressions veiled in ambiguity, The Knower knows the experience from no where.
In the same way The Knower knows the experience from no where, The Awareness is aware of The Knower from no where. In the same way The Awareness is aware of The Knower from no where. The Awareness is aware of The Awareness from no where. In the same way The Awareness is aware of The Awareness from no where, The Awareness is aware of The Awareness from no where. You get the point.
It seems that there would be no way that you could find an expression of The Awareness in what turned out to be some form of ‘multidimensional’ deception in the belief of an imaginary box, until you do. The joke was not that you were not able to transcend The Believer, The Knower and find the infinite, paradoxical nature of The Awareness, for you had already found it. The joke was that you were searching at all. The joke was not that you were waiting to remember, but that you believed it could be forgotten. The joke was not that you were waiting for the revelation to come, but that you are the revelation that is already here.
Furthermore, you realise that The Knower does not know The Knower, and The Awareness does not know anything, since The Awareness does not have the capacity to know any thing, but only be aware. As you fall to your doom, you recognise the ‘not knowing a thing or not knowing no thing’ abstraction.
In the same way The Knower knows, but cannot know itself, you know of death, but you cannot know death. In the same way the little Leprechaun was playing with its domino set for seemingly no reason at all, you made the decision to enter the Haunted House, for seemingly no reason at all.
However, The Knower knows the experience in which you are, thus making The Knower the very no thing that is always finding you. Through The Knower knowing the experience, the experience has found you, and you are always here and now. You are only here and now. Yet, The Awareness being aware of The Knower, allows for the experience to find you, and since The Awareness is infinitely aware of itself, The Awareness is infinitely searching and finding you.
You are confused and don’t know why the Oracle is obviously referring to The Knower and The Awareness, without acknowledging it at all. You ask “What are you?” Although you know what to expect, you can’t believe that you are hearing what you are hearing. However, you also understand that you cannot be hearing anything else. The Oracle says “Ah, isn’t it obvious? I am this, this is what I am! I am me, and this is me! This is the I that I am, I am this me! I am not what I am not, but I am what I am! I am this!”
You know that within the story, where you are a character, you are able to write a story of a character, who writes a story of a character, who writes a story of a character… on and on, over and over, forever and ever. You also know that a character in a story will never be able to know the one who wrote it. In the same way, you cannot know The Knower. In the same way, The Knower cannot know The Awareness.
This is all here, for you. If not for you, then who is it for? Is the story not subject to the physical being? Is the physical being not subject to the experience? Is the experience not subject to The Knower? Is The Knower not subject to The Awareness? Are you not The Awareness? The story you know is the story you know. The body you have is the body you have. Everything you know is everything you know and what you do not know is what you do not know. All that you are aware of is all that you are aware of.
The imagination, or knowing of a thought, is not more or less significant than the knowing of a physical experience. Similarly, the knowing of a thought expressing the abstraction of ‘growing’, is not more or less significant than the knowing of a physical experience in which a thing is expressing the abstraction of ‘growing’. The Knower cannot know significance, but rather The Knower knows the experience in which a thing may or may not be deemed more or less significant than another thing.