The Philosopher from Carnival Island

The Final Letter

Sam Chahine(sechahi at


The First Letter

The Knower

The Fallacy

The Delusion

The Awareness

The Second Letter

The Expression

The Seeing

The Carnival

The Domino Universe

The Third Letter

The Innuendo

The Champion

The Guardians

The Storyteller

The Final Letter

The After Word

Greetings! I hope you’ve enjoyed your time in the room! Did you enjoy reading the book? Did you enjoy the stories that I told? Was it anything and everything you ever thought it would be? Was it anything and everything you ever thought it could be? Was it more?

I know that after all this time, it feels as though the story has ended, but I can assure you that it has only just begun. I hope that in the time that it took to finish this book, you have learned how to appreciate life, and just as well to simply appreciate. This book is one of many, but it is mine, what will yours be?

However, I understand if you do not want to write a book. Would you rather paint a picture? Would you rather sing a song? Would you rather dance a dance? How would you like to express your experience of the room? How would you like to express your experience of this life? How would you like to express your experience? How would you like to express? How?

Have you learned to entertain the crowds? Have you learned to make them smile? Have you learned to make them laugh? Do you know who they are? Do you know? Do you remember them? Do you remember? Are they enjoying the stories that you tell? Are they enjoying the songs that you sing? Are you enjoying the stories that you tell? Are you enjoying the songs that you sing?

I know that I made you forget everything before coming on this journey, but I hope you do not regret it. I hope that I have shun a light on the darkness, and a darkness in the light. I hope that you are able to see the things that cannot be seen. I hope that you are able to hear the things that cannot be heard. I hope that you remember me.

I hope that you remember me in all your stories. I hope that you remember me in all your memories. I hope that you never forget me, but if you do, simply remember! Remember me. Remember you. Remember! Understand that though I may be gone, I can never leave. Understand that though you cannot see me, I can never disappear. Understand that though you cannot hear me, I am always speaking.

Some moments may be harder than others, but you must remember why you are here. What did you want to do? What stories did you want to tell? What songs did you want to sing? What games did you want to play? What memories did you want to remember? What did you want to experience? Who is the one that wanted anything? Who is the one that is… wanting?

Some moments you will forget about me. Some moments you will forget. But just remember, that there is nothing left to remember. You do not have to think of me. You do not have to remember me. You do not have to look for me. You do not have to do anything. There is nothing left, other than to enjoy. How will you enjoy? Would you like to learn, or would you like to teach? Would you like to rule, or would you like to follow? Which one?

This room is yours. This room is infinite, and it holds infinite stories. Whenever you are lost, whenever you have forgotten, you can come back! Whenever you have no stories left to tell, you can return. Whenever you cannot bear the pain of remembrance, you can forget, here. Whenever you cannot bear the pain of forgetting, you can remember, here. The After Word is for you, all of it! Every single word that you can read. Every single letter that you can find. All of it is for you!

The Afterworld

Are you ready to leave the room? Are you ready to find your way out? Are you ready to return to your everything? Have you found your something? Is your something something, or is it something else? There is much that awaits you on your journey to the afterworld, but where is the afterworld? Well… it’s the world after now! It’s the world outside of this room! It’s the after now world. You wouldn’t want to live in a before-now world, would you?

If you have not yet found your something, do not worry for I have given you the key. Use this key to come back to this room whenever you need me. I will be here! When you leave this room, and close the door, I will still be here. When you leave anywhere, to go somewhere, in the middle of everywhere, I will still be here. Here does not end at the door. The door is part of here. The door is here. The room is here. The whole world is here. Where are you?

Are you excited to see the ones you love? Are you excited to see the ones that love you? Are they plenty? Are they none? Is there even a difference? If you cannot find a smile, look to the mirror! If you cannot find laughter, look for the theatre! If you cannot find a purpose, look for yourself! And if you cannot find love, look for me! If all else fails, and there is nothing left to do, you can find me!

What are you going to say to them? You do not have to say anything… but you can! You can say something, or you can say nothing. Either way, you will be saying! You can do something for them, or you can do nothing for them. Either way, you will be doing! Do you understand? Do you remember? Do I need to say anything else? Do I need to do anything else? Do I need to say anything? Do I need to do anything?

You know of infinite stories and eternal meanings, do you need more? Do you believe in yourself? Do you need to believe in yourself? What is there to believe in? Who is the one that is believing? Can the one who is believing, believe in the one who is believing? Do not worry about believing. Do not even worry about knowing. Only worry about being.

What will you be? How will you be? Where will you be? When will you be? Why will you be? Will you be good? Will you be kind? Will you love? Will you be loved? Will you find? Will you be found? Will you lose yourself? Will you find yourself? Will you lose yourself in the finding? Will you find yourself in the losing? Will you?

Do not worry about the rest, that they do not know the beauty of story telling, for if you are worried then you have forgotten. Do not be worried that they won’t believe you when you remind them, for there is nothing to believe. There is nothing to be believed in. There is nothing to be seen that is not already here. There is nothing to be heard that is not already here. There is nothing to be known that is not already here. There is nothing left, but where is nothing?

Where is nothing? Why is nothing? What is nothing? When is nothing? How is nothing? Where are you? Why are you? What are you? When are you? How are you? I’m well, thank you for asking! Do you have any more questions? Do you have any thing to ask? Do you have any thing to do? Do you have any where to be?

Did you remember entering the room, or have you realised that you were always in it?

The Afterword

This is the end. This is the beginning. Is there a difference at all? Have you found your ‘something’? Do you know what you have always been expressing? Do you know what you want to express?

In the beginning of the book, all I wanted to show you was how to see. The story of Carnival Island was an example of how to find. The returning to the old bazaar was an example of how to learn. The opening of The After Word was an example of how to be.

This may be the final chapter of this book, but imagine all the stories whose secrets you are yet to uncover. Imagine all the secrets whose stories you are yet to learn. Imagine all the hardships whose purpose you are yet to realise. Imagine all the memories you are yet to remember.

Do you actually want to remember or do you want to live? Do you actually want to return, or do you want to stay? Do you actually want to become nothing, or do you want to find everything?

It is okay to stay here, in this physical world, where a physical being is reading a physical book. It is okay to want to leave, but as long as you come back. Do not leave forever. If you want to follow nothingness into the impossible depths of no where, find what you are looking for and come back.

Return and tell the world what you found. Return and tell the world how you found it. Return and tell the world how you found it. Return. Tell the world. You have many stories to tell, and many who want to listen.

There is one more thing that you must do before you leave this room. You must forget everything you have learned. Forget all of it. Forget everything. You are your ‘something’, and that is all you need to know. You can never lose your ‘something’, because you can never lose yourself. You are yourself!

I am not telling you that everything must be left behind. I am telling you that it must be forgotten. This book is helpful, but it can be blinding. Understand that what you express is what you express, whether or not you remember anything from this book. So why bother yourself with all the technicalities?

If you need me, I’ll be here. If you want to remember me, I’ll be here. If you want to find me, I’ll be here. So do not worry about me, I am always here. I am this book, and I am yours to read, whenever you want to remember.

Yet, to remember, one must forget, no? Close this book and leave this room, return to your life, your memories, your beliefs and your everything. I promise you, everything you found in me will be here when you return.

Lose yourself. Lose yourself. Lose yourself. Please forget me. Forget me. Forget me. Forget me. Forget me. Forget.