The Philosopher from Carnival Island

"EXPRESSION" References in The Philosopher from Carnival Island

Sam Chahine (sechahi at

/the-knower :

The Knower does not assume that other beings share the same experience, but knows the experience in which assumptions are made. The Knower does not speak, but rather knows the experience in which the physical expression of speaking may or may not be expressed.

/the-delusion :

The experience with which the physical being may feel extremely familiar, only feels familiar because it is all The Knower has ever known. That is, the familiarity the physical being experiences is actually the familiarity you, The Knower, possess in regards to only ever knowing. In the same way you know the experience of being yourself, you are The Knower, who only knows. That is, the immeasurable familiarity the physical being has with themself, for no reason other than their very being, is the expression of how well The Knower may know the experience. The Knower may know the experience, but never fall into the experience. The Knower may never become a part of the experience.

/the-delusion :

If you were to simplify “I am awareness, because I cannot not be awareness”, the result would be “I am, because I cannot not be”. If you were to simplify “I am the awareness of the fact that I am awareness”, the result would be “I am that I am”. In any expression of what you are, it is the “I” that speaks, and the “I” does not need to know what it is not, for it already knows what it is. Because the “I” knows what it is, by the nature of its knowing of itself, it knows what it is not.

/the-awareness :

Infinity is the expression of you, for mere language does not have the capacity to describe the very “point” infinity pertains to. The having of “no end” is the expression of you, for mere language does not have the capacity to comprehend the endlessness and limitlessness infinity pertains to. Yet, you do not need to make use of language or any concept, abstraction or theory to know yourself, for you are yourself.

/the-awareness :

Awareness is not a thing that is separate from you, awareness is all there is, and it is you. You are all there is. You are impossible, for the very nature you emanate is paradoxical. You are one awareness, in other words, oneness. Though, in this unified being that is oneness, many concepts of duality, separation, disassociation and distinction are able to exist, but only because you are infinite. Duality is an expression of oneness. Unity trying to recognise unity, creates duality, yet only Unity remains. “One” trying to recognise itself, creates two, yet only “one” remains, for without one, two cannot be. Without one, two cannot be, yet it does.

/the-awareness :

Once you are aware of nothing, you may start looking for nothingness, but you will be looking for an eternity. Nothingness cannot be found, yet you are able to search for it! It is a thing that cannot be found, though it is able to be sought. That is the expression of you, The Awareness. You are not able to be found for you are the one that would be finding, though you are always searching! It is the ridiculousness of searching for a thing, or no thing, that cannot be found, which expresses the very nature of your being.

/the-expression :

Instead of demonstrating this expressiveness of The Expression in the same way one would refer to a convoluted proof in mathematics, a story will be used as the basis for all the concepts and ideas in the coming chapters. In the same way a child may find it difficult to understand the expression of a “pair” without seeing two of the same object, you may find it difficult to understand the expressiveness of The Expression without recognising its countless expressions.

/the-seeing :

On your way back inside, you close the envelope, and then you close the door. You pause for a moment and recognise that your experience has just expressed the abstraction of ‘closing a thing’. Although there is no meaningful connection between the closing of the envelope and the closing of the door, you observe the expression of a thing being closed in two instances. This is by no means a revolutionary discovery, so you do not dwell on your findings, but instead you choose to become more observant of your surroundings. Who knows what can be found! You choose to become more observant in the hope that you can recognise more abstractions that are being expressed within the experience.

/the-seeing :

You understand that if you were to recognise every single expression of an abstraction, you would go mad. What good is recognising every ‘step’ you take? What good is recognising every ‘breath’ you breathe? What good is recognising every ‘question’ you ask? Fortunately, you realise that there are probably more interesting abstractions to recognise than the number of ways you are able to walk or breathe.

/the-carnival :

Experience is simply what is known by The Knower, yet, its mere existence affects all things within it. All things abiding by and adhering to the laws of physics, as well as all people and corporations abiding by and adhering to the laws of the state. Experience itself is an abstraction! The concept of an abstraction is simply an expression of this known experience. Therefore, the abstraction of abstraction is the experience. But what does the experience express?

/the-carnival :

The experience is an infinitesimally small expression of the essence of The Knower, where time is finite, things may or may not begin and end, and space is limiting. The abstraction of the experience is The Knower, yet The Knower is no thing, therefore it cannot be an abstraction. However, we must understand that since language exists within the experience, it superimposes the limitations bestowed upon it by the experience, on The Knower, disavowing any truths we may aim to find.

/the-carnival :

We have established that The Knower can never know itself, for it is no thing. Therefore, if The Knower tried to know itself, it would know nothing. What is The Knower expressing? Once again, we are faced with the issue of concepts from within the experience superimposing their limitations on what transcends the experience, namely The Knower. Yet, The Knower must be an expression of… well, not something and not nothing.

/the-carnival :

If there is no something and no nothing and no knowing, what remains? The Awareness! In the same way the experience is an expression of the infinite essence of The Knower, The Knower is an expression of the unfathomable nature of The Awareness. Without The Awareness, The Knower cannot be, for there will be no awareness of the knowing. Yet, without The Awareness, there is still The Awareness of no awareness. Therein lies the paradox! The unfathomable, ridiculous and infinite nature of The Awareness.

/the-carnival :

An example of an expression of the unfathomable and infinite nature of The Awareness can be seen within The Knower. The Knower is infinite, for it is neither bound by time nor space. The Knower is infinite in that it can know any thing. Yet, what is unfathomable… is The Knower! It can never know itself, for it is no thing and no thing cannot be known. The ridiculous nature of The Knower is that though it is only ever able to know, it can never know itself.

/the-carnival :

However, The Awareness is always aware of itself, even when it is not. The Awareness is both absolute and not absolute. The Awareness is, and is not. The Knower may be infinite, but it can neither know itself nor The Awareness. The Knower is subject to The Awareness, and in the same way, the experience is subject to The Knower. The Knower is an expression of the unfathomable nature of The Awareness, and in the same way, the experience is an expression of the infinite essence of The Knower.

/the-carnival :

All things are expressions, in that any thing within the experience is either expressing some thing or no thing. As we transcend the experience, we cannot label The Knower or The Awareness with an experiential concept, for they are not within the experience. Instead, we are able to deduce that the experience is an expression of the infinite nature of The Knower, and The Knower is an expression of the infinite, unfathomable and paradoxical nature of The Awareness.

/the-carnival :

You are pleased with your recognition of abstractions and their repetitive expressions. The abstraction of ‘repetition’ is another expression of The Awareness, since The Awareness is aware of itself, repeatedly and eternally. You are starting to realise that through the abstracting of the experience, there are patterns and characteristics, like repetition and expressiveness, that are always present. That is, the very observation that they are always present is an expression of The Awareness always being aware and The Knower always knowing.

/the-carnival :

Most abstractions are so obvious that you have always been familiar with them. You have always been so familiar with these abstractions that you never needed to delve into their expressions. Yet, this level of obviousness and familiarity is an expression of how aware The Awareness is of itself. This begs the question, in your experience, how often do you remember that you are always aware?

/the-carnival :

You realise that how familiar you are with your own experience is an expression of familiarity. You realise that how familiar you are with your own physical appearance is also an expression of familiarity. You realise that all expressions of familiarity allude to the infinite nature of The Awareness. Are all things and all nothings simply expressions of the unfathomable and infinite nature of The Awareness? You choose not to assume. Instead, you think it wise to explore the carnival in the hopes of recognising all of its expressions.

/the-carnival :

Your recognition of ridiculousness in the experiencing of the carousel is an expression of the ridiculous and paradoxical nature of The Awareness. Although it may not have been obvious at first, you are finally recognising the expressive nature of all things and all nothings.

/the-carnival :

Though the immediate experiencing of a thing may not hold any significance or value, it is the abstraction of such experience that allows for a transcendental analysis. In this case, the unifying nature of the carousel is seen as an expression of the unifying nature of The Knower only ever knowing one experience, in which the abstraction of ‘two’ exists.

/the-carnival :

You realise that though the sun rising is able to be understood by finite means, only the localisation of its cyclical nature is being understood finitely. The very nature of the sun is to rise so that it can fall, and fall so that it can rise. It is an expression of a paradoxical infinity, expressing the nature of The Awareness. In the immediate experiencing of sunrise or nightfall, it is easy to forget transcendental abstracting and believe that what is being observed is finite, rather than remembering that what is being observed is an expression of infinity being observed finitely.

/the-carnival :

The first expression which expressed this abstraction was you observing the cyclical movement of the carousel. The second expression was the revelation that infinite and cyclical things are able to be observed finitely. You found that in the same way you allowed yourself to observe the ‘observing a cyclical thing’, The Knower allowed the physical being to do… anything. The Knower allowed the physical being to do, by knowing them into existence.

/the-carnival :

Yet, from such an inconsequential, menial and repetitive task, you were able to discover the most astounding revelation yet. You were able discover an abstraction’s reverberation throughout many expressions. You recognise the ‘doing something for no reason’ abstraction and attribute the first expression to your riding of the carousel, and the second expression to the little Leprechaun playing with its domino set.

/the-carnival :

You recognise that the little Leprechaun playing with its dominos for no reason is an expression of the infinite and non-reasoned nature of The Awareness. It is only aware because… it is aware! In the same way, The Knower is knowing the experience for no reasonother than the knowing of experience. You find a correlation between the concept of ‘fun’ and the non-reasoned nature of The Knower and The Awareness. What is the purpose of having fun, if not for the purpose of having fun?

/the-carnival :

Some time passes and you have observed what you now understand as the reverberation of cars being rotated, one by one. Yet, every time a car rotates, every subsequent car follows. You recognise that there is no difference between the expression of the Ferris Wheel and the expression of the dominos.

/the-carnival :

You recognise the ‘exploring something until you reach a high point of understanding’ abstraction. The first expression of it being the entire experience at the carnival thus far, and the second expression being your ability to recognise ambiguous and repetitive abstractions throughout their many expressions! You understand that you deciding to go to the carnival allowed you to both reach a higher physical recognition of the carnival, as well as reach a higher metaphysical recognition of your experience.

/the-carnival :

At this point, the realisations are just ridiculous, but you cannot stop. You understand that in the same way you decided to ride the carousel, which afforded you an astounding revelation, you decided to come to the carnival, which afforded you an astounding revelation. The recognition of the ‘deciding to do something, resulting in astounding revelation’ abstraction was too much to analyse, and too much to ponder. Finally, you decide to stop trying to abstract every thing you come across, because if you tried, you could abstract forever... which is an expression of the infinite nature of The Awareness. You get the point.

/the-carnival :

What is so spectacular about the recognition of abstractions and reverberations? What is so special about being able to recognise abstractions from the expression of any thing? What is so great about being able to correlate abstractions within the experience to the essence of The Knower or the nature of The Awareness?

/the-carnival :

A Jester is subject to and an expression of the abstraction of a joke. A joke is subject to and an expression of the illogical essence of The Knower. The Knower is subject to and an expression of the paradoxical nature of The Awareness. The Awareness is subject to and an expression of… itself! The Awareness is a joke, for it is both illogical and unreasonable, whether or not it is a funny joke is subjective.

/the-carnival :

Unsure of the punchline, you try to decipher what you assume is the Jester’s attempt at a joke. Your mind is thinking at a hundred miles per hour, trying to find different ways to make sense of the joke, but to no avail. Then you remember, that in the same way The Knower is unable to be known, and The Awareness is unfathomable, there is no point in trying to comprehend a joke that not even the Jester can understand. That is, the Jester not being able to understand itself, is an expression of The Knower never being able to know itself. The punchline is that the punchline does not exist, yet it does, for the punchline is that the punchline does not exist.

/the-carnival :

Although it feels as though you are amongst the eager crowd, you do not see the acrobatic spectacle through your eyes, but simply through the formless knowing, wherein abstractions of unity are expressed with expressions of duality, and vice versa. You understand that what is seen with your eyes, is no more than an expression of the knowing.

/the-carnival :

You realise that seeing is but one expression of knowing, coupled with the expression of hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. As erratic thoughts seize your mind, you realise that they too are expressions of the knowing. Yet, regardless of all the different expressions of knowing, both physical and of the mind, you understand that this experience is one expression of the knowing. You cannot see duality anymore, but only a unified experience. There is no more something and no more nothing, only this.

/the-carnival :

The crowd roars with applause as the fellow makes it across the rope. You appreciate the expression you have come to realise, understanding the abstraction of balance. The abstraction of balance is not sparing with its expressions, but rather abundant in all the ways that it is expressed.

/the-carnival :

You are entertained by the mime, though their props are nothing and their whereabouts are no where. Yet, The Awareness is no thing and no where, aware of The Knower, which is also no thing and no where, knowing the experience in which a mime performs with no thing, no where. The mime is a paradoxical expression of how nothing and no where can be expressed with something and somewhere. You start to realise that should you explore all situations, you might be able to find countless expressions of The Awareness.

/the-carnival :

It seems that there would be no way that you could find an expression of The Awareness in what turned out to be some form of ‘multidimensional’ deception in the belief of an imaginary box, until you do. The joke was not that you were not able to transcend The Believer, The Knower and find the infinite, paradoxical nature of The Awareness, for you had already found it. The joke was that you were searching at all. The joke was not that you were waiting to remember, but that you believed it could be forgotten. The joke was not that you were waiting for the revelation to come, but that you are the revelation that is already here.

/the-carnival :

Punchlines will always find a way to coerce you into assuming their intention, blindsiding you in the process. If punchlines were obvious, they would not be funny, yet they have the liberty of being simple or absolutely genius. You understand that the circus itself was an expression of The Awareness being aware of you. In the same way you chose to enter a place with which you were not familiar, for the purpose of being entertained, so too did The Awareness.

/the-carnival :

In the same way the nature of The Awareness is ridiculous and absurd, so too was the ground disappearing, making you fall as the Leprechaun uttered “befall”, which has no relationship with the act of “falling”. The fall seems to go on… forever, which is an expression of the infinite nature of The Awareness.

/the-carnival :

The Awareness is aware of The Awareness, yet, when The Awareness finds itself, within its own awareness, it finds itself being aware of The Awareness. This goes on forever. What does a mirror see when it sees itself? Infinity, forever. In the same way The Awareness is always being aware of itself being aware of itself, infinitely, you are always searching for yourself, and when you are found, by you, you find yourself searching for yourself, infinitely. You are the closest expression of The Awareness, for you are never able to find yourself, without inevitably setting out on the same journey that allowed you to find. You are searching and you are finding.

/the-carnival :

The Oracle laughs and yells “You remembered me! I told you, it was me all along! How simple was that? Unfortunately there was no way for me to say that I was me without saying that I am me… you see what I mean? I am me! I look like an Oracle… and technically I am an Oracle… but I am me! The Oracle is but one expression of my being. Though I am never able to refer to myself… well, the other myself, the one that is… no where for that self is not able to be any where that can be known by you and me…. because of the paradoxical nature of… everything! You know what I mean?”

/the-carnival :

The Oracle does not say word, but instead looks at you and smiles. You realise that you already know the answer to your question, “It was always me… I just… forgot which me it was that… I am, yet it does not matter… at all? Because the me that is speaking is just as much an expression of The Awareness as The Awareness. I am just as well able to recognise infinity, I am just as well able to recognise another, I am just as well only ever here, now, for no reason, other than that I am … I am me because I am me, and that is all… I have never been lost, for it has always been finding me.”

/the-carnival :

“I have never been alone, for it has always been… here, with me. There’s no point in telling anyone, for they are me, and they are just another expression of infinity, and they have simply forgotten, but will inevitably remember. I cannot believe it!” And as soon as you acknowledge the fact that you cannot believe it, you understand the joke.

/the-carnival :

You understand that the believer and the non-believer are an expression of the paradoxical nature of the Awareness. In the same way that The Awareness is and is not, some Leprechauns believe and others do not. The paradoxical nature of The Awareness is inevitable, in that even the explanation of it, results in the very expression it is expressing. That is, a Leprechaun attempting to explain the paradoxical nature of The Awareness created countless expressions expressing the paradoxical nature of The Awareness, as opposed to one expression. Yet, all expressions are one expression.

/the-carnival :

“Everyone is always enlightening, and there is no enlightenment to reach? The Prophets just wanted to tell everyone the simplest truth, which was: This is? It doesn’t matter if someone pursues a path of spirituality or a career in alchemy, for both are finding, and that is an expression of it? It doesn’t matter if someone chooses to find the Watcher, and another chooses to find nothing, for both would find each other?”

/the-domino-universe :

The Leprechaun reached enlightenment, by accepting that there was no reaching of enlightenment that could be reached. The Leprechaun remembered what cannot be remembered, for it was always remembering it. It understood what cannot be understood, for it was always understanding it. There was no past or future in which the knowing could have occurred, only the present moment that it was always knowing. It recognised its domino planet as one expression of the very no thing all things express. It understood that all it had been searching for was itself, for without itself to search, there would have been no one to find.

/the-domino-universe :

The Piece-Keeper saw the infinite nature of The Awareness and how the formless concept of infinity is expressed throughout its experience. The Piece-Keeping Leprechaun understood that it could not comprehend the unfathomable nature of infinity, for it was infinite. However, it was able to recognise the expressions of infinity, and realised that all Piece-Keepers are experiencing their own version of the domino planet. Although their experience may be unique, it is The Awareness that is always aware. All the Piece-Keepers became one expression of the infinite nature of The Awareness.

/the-domino-universe :

This Piece-Keeper accepted that the search was a part of life, and the finding was a gift. The Piece-Keeper found comfort in its discovery of infinity. Rather, the Piece-Keeper found comfort in its acceptance of infinity. It saw the pieces as expressions of itself, always falling and searching for balance, only to fall again. What the domino pieces were to the Piece-Keeper, the Piece-Keeper was to the expression of infinity.

/the-domino-universe :

The domino planet was as much an expression of The Domino Universe, as The Piece-Keeper was to the domino planet. The infinite relationships and expressions became apparent, and the Leprechaun saw that all things are simply expressions, perfect and unchanged, though always changing. The Leprechaun knew that the search was finished, but that it would never be complete. The Leprechaun knew what it was. The Leprechaun knew what it was. The Leprechaun knew what it was. The Leprechaun knew.

/the-domino-universe :

The domino pieces represent the abstractions and patterns in this cyclical, physical expression of life. Regardless of how unique the pieces may seem, they all belong to the same expression. The objective of every piece is to fall so that it can once again return to a perfect, standing equilibrium. Not only do the pieces express the abstractions and patterns of life, but also the abstraction of you.

/the-third-letter :

The abstractions the character was able to find are exclusive to the story of Carnival Island. Yet, the abstractions you are able to find are exclusive to your story. In other words, do not look for the same abstractions expressed in this book. Instead, look for the abstractions expressed in your experience. Once you are aware of an abstraction, its many expressions will become apparent and you will be able to find the infinite relationships between an expression and the nature of The Awareness.

/the-third-letter :

The most important abstraction to become aware of is the abstraction of you. What is the abstraction that you have always seemed to express? In what way or manner do you choose to tackle obstacles and challenges? Is your expression of the ‘way or manner’ abstraction at all representative of how you choose to live your life? Similarly, is your expression of the ‘way or manner’ abstraction representative of how you choose to treat your friends and families? Is your expression of the ‘way or manner’ abstraction representative of how you choose anything? If this abstraction is the abstraction of you, are you able to predict what will happen next within the observation of your experience?

/the-innuendo :

Should you experience the unfortunate phenomenon that is heartbreak, see the love that was lost as an expression of the first moment you ever opened your eyes and became alive. See the pain of having lost a loved one as the sacrifice you, The Awareness, had to make in order to forget, only so that you could remember once again, even after you believed there was nothing to remember.

/the-innuendo :

See the one who provided you with both immeasurable love and unspeakable pain as an expression of yourself, The Awareness, allowing you the ability to feel such a love, as well as the ill-fated travesty of losing it. Understand that without pain, love could not become, for love is neither the absence of suffering nor the ignorance of despair, but rather the acceptance of one’s own eternal peace at any given moment.

/the-innuendo :

If you find it difficult and distressing to recognise expressions of yourself in all things, try to comprehend the negativity felt from a place of love. Does negativity not express your attitude toward yourself, The Awareness, for leaving you, the physical being who is searching, all alone and searching to find a thing that cannot be found? Understand that it takes time and patience to love your own imperfections, let alone someone else’s. Fortunately you are now aware that the “someone else” is just another expression of you, The Awareness.

/the-innuendo :

It is thought that reminds you of a pain that cannot be felt. Thought is a poison that cannot harm, yet remains a catalyst for depression. Thought is the closest expression of the nature of The Awareness. Why else would imagination be so infinite?

/the-innuendo :

Remember every person you have ever met and the significance they had on your life. Recognise that they too are on their own eternal search for the ultimate realisation, in a physical expression only they can understand. Appreciate all the friends in which you’ve confided, and forgive the ones who betrayed you, for they were betraying themself.

/the-innuendo :

Is a place to return to not the expression of a home? A place to which all beings return. A being who wakes from a telling slumber, to face the hardships and pinnacles of life, only to return home once again. This is repeated, over and over until there is nothing left to repeat. Find the expression of your cyclical being in relation to the nature of The Awareness.

/the-innuendo :

An example is the popular expression “It is what it is.”, a sentence previously used to describe the nature of The Awareness. Understand that it, you and I are all the same, and that they denote the very not something and not nothing you are looking to find, though it cannot be found. It might seem ridiculous, but how can it not be? It may seem difficult to abstract all sentences in order to find a meaning that relates to the nature of The Awareness, though once it is seen, it can never be unseen. Get it?

/the-innuendo :

The intensity of the score matches perfectly the passion of your emotion. The hurried embrace of a hundred violins, the rhythmic plucking of the harp and the rest of the orchestra that bring it together imitate your rapid thoughts and analysis of the melody, the rhythmic pattern through which your realisation was illustrated and the awareness of it all that allowed you to see. You understand that it is inevitable, like the certainty of life and death. You recognise the orchestra as the expression of your experience, and your experience the expression of you.

/the-innuendo :

You see imaginary lines that connect every instance of an expression to its counterparts, like the string that affords a puppeteer the ability to orchestrate its puppets. A line connects your abstraction of your analysis to the orchestra, another connecting the nothingness between your thoughts to the silence between every thud, and your scurry of emotions to the awing performance.

/the-innuendo :

You realise that the abstraction of the patterns in your thoughts are parallel to the score of the orchestra. Your experience is seen as one expression of the theatrics you have long admired. Not only does the score of the orchestra match the patterns of your thoughts, but also the abstraction of your progress of self discovery.

/the-innuendo :

As the intensity of the choir matches your profound contemplation, you find perfect alignment in your story, expressed through the music. The curtain that veiled the orchestra is remembered as the expression of the beliefs that cloaked the truth, though you realise the symphony was always playing. Then you realise that it was your eyes that could not comprehend infinity that deeper expressed the shrouding curtains, for one cannot comprehend infinity through finite means. The hidden stage simulated a romantic composition of the story of you, in minutes instead of years.

/the-innuendo :

You find the expression in everything, though you realise it had always been finding you. You remember there was nothing to remember at all, for all you remembered was what you have been remembering. A single abstraction of infinity, with infinite possibilities. You find in the infinity the essence of your very being, the creator. You have reached what cannot be reached, for it has always been reaching. You have seen what cannot be seen, though it is always being observed.

/the-champion :

The expressions of the The Awareness are the formless abstractions, and the experience is the expression of formless abstractions, and the expression of the experience is… the experience! In the same way The Awareness is aware of the Awareness, the experience is an expression of the experience. You are able to find ridiculous, yet extremely obvious, similarities within your awareness. What started as the recognition of multiple instances of an abstraction has become a convoluted, yet understandable, set of patterns, concepts and ideas. You understand the nature of how all things are within the experience, but what if you could also understand the nature of how all things could be?

/the-champion :

Instead of believing that you are a physical being, abstracting an experience, understand that you are only aware of the knowing of an experience in which a physical being believes. You are aware of an experience in which a physical being believes they are self-governing and not another expression of an abstraction.

/the-champion :

For example, the physical being may believe their withered state of mind is not an expression of their withered garden, or of their withering experience. Yet, regardless of what is believed, the abstraction of ‘withering’ is being expressed throughout the physical being, the garden and the experience.

/the-champion :

If your experience is festering with expressions of ‘withering’, and you are unable to find any physical expression expressing the abstraction of ‘growing’, do not underestimate the power of imagination. Even if there is no physical expression of ‘growing’, you are still able to imagine a thing that is growing. You are able to imagine the expression of a thing, expressing the abstraction of ‘growing’.

/the-champion :

Should you have stayed inside, day after day, not at all putting in the effort to improve your garden, the experience would have remained the same, unchanged. That is, the experience in which a withering garden belongs. Even if you had not put in any effort at all and imagined or desired the expression of the abstraction of ‘growth’, no thing would have changed. To change any thing within the experience, you must express some thing within the experience to influence change.

/the-champion :

That is, if you express the expression of ‘waiting for something’, the experience will also express the expression of ‘waiting for something’. You will be waiting for the experience, and the experience will be waiting… for you! You must only express what you know will get you further on your journey within the experience.

/the-champion :

As the Stonemason rambles on, you finally realise what you lack. You lack knowledge of this experience. Though you understand the nature of the experience and its expression of the formless abstractions, you will not grow within the experience unless you know what to express, and how to express it. Simply understanding that you have the capacity to express is not enough, for this experience rewards knowledge.

/the-champion :

While the merchant and the thief bump and shove the folk in the bazaar, you ogle at the absurdity that the thief would steal from themself! The thief is expressing what the merchant is expressing, yet they are in conflict, how ridiculous! The merchant sludges after the thief and you realise that in the same way infinity is a point that can never be reached, the merchant will never catch up to the thief. You laugh at the fact that though the experience is the it that the thief “cannot” take, for it cannot be taken, there it goes, being taken. You are entertained by the paradoxical nature of The Awareness’ expression within the knowing of a petty heist.

/the-champion :

The expression of duality expressed throughout the knowing of a merchant who has lost and a thief who has found. The expression of infinity expressed throughout the knowing of a merchant that is too slow to ever catch up to a thief. The expression of finding, in that though the merchant lost the ancient domino, it was found by the thief.

/the-champion :

In the same way The Awareness does not have the capacity to do any thing, the monk does nothing. In the same way the Awareness is to become aware of nothing, the monk expresses the physical expression of doing nothing. The monk expresses The Awareness by doing nothing and saying nothing. The monk is not searching for anything, for the monk has already found themself. The monk does not rush in a hurry to any thing that is bound by time, nor does the monk need any where to be, since the monk knows that here is everywhere.

/the-champion :

The curiosity you expressed for the drunken Leprechaun is why The Awareness is aware of the drunken Leprechaun. The drunken Leprechaun’s ‘something’ is to entertain curiosity, which is an expression of what you are to The Awareness! Well, that is the drunken Leprechaun’s ‘something’ to you, from your perspective and within your interpretation of the experience. Who knows if the drunken Leprechaun is expressing the same formless abstraction in its own experience, but experiencing something spectacular instead of pitiful?

/the-champion :

As the drunken Leprechaun passes you, it trips and falls into a book merchant’s cart. Subsequently, the books topple over the fallen Leprechaun. You notice the countless books that fell and find it amazing that there are so many stories to be told, and so many more to be written. You recognise the expression of storytelling, the writer and the reader. You find it funny that you are able to write a story about a character who is writing a story, and understand that the infinite potential of storytelling expresses the infinite and ridiculous nature of The Awareness.

/the-champion :

The crowd is excited and enjoying the entertainment, the perfect expression for The Awareness that is aware of the ridiculous chaos unfolding at the old bazaar. You remember that it is not two awareness’ that are each aware of one physical being, but rather one Awareness aware of countless experiences, one of which is you. You recognise the abstraction of conflict, first expressed by the merchant and the thief, and then by the preacher and the unholy.

/the-guardians :

You realise that your unwillingness to return to the carnival is an expression of your unwillingness to return. You are not ready to return. You are not ready to close the book. You are not ready to finish the story of you. You understand that all things within your experience that remind you of the state of unpleasantness, are simply expressing your unwillingness to die. Similarly, you understand that all things within your experience that remind you of the state of pleasure, are simply expressing your willingness to keep going.

/the-guardians :

“My remembering can be expressed throughout the expression of love. My remembering can be expressed throughout the expression of selflessness. My remembering can be expressed throughout the expression of giving. My remembering can be expressed throughout the expression of helping. My remembering can be expressed throughout the expression of listening. My remembering can be expressed throughout expression. My remembering can be expressed throughout the experience.”

/the-guardians :

The Oracle returns the tale of The Scientist to the ring of books atop the marble table. You cannot find the words to express your train of thought, so you express the expression of silence, by saying nothing. While The Oracle leers at your reluctance to speak, it grabs ahold of the book that lay beside the tale of The Scientist. “Ah! Very serious, The Preacher and The Scientist! Why don’t we get a little more creative? Do you like painting? Do you like art? Do you like liking? Do you?”

/the-guardians :

“The Artist believes in the importance of expression and the presence of the experience. Just as well, The Artist believes in the importance of art and the presence of the canvas. The Artist believes that the art of expression is paramount throughout the pursuit of purpose. The Artist believes that a painting can speak a thousand words, though it says nothing.”

/the-guardians :

“The Artist believes that their identity is best expressed throughout the limitless expression of art. The Artist believes that their experiences are best expressed throughout the ambiguities and debatable expression of art. The Artist believes that their finite understanding of the universe is best expressed throughout the infinite and mysterious expression of art. The Artist believes that they are most able to express themself throughout the expression of art.”

/the-guardians :

“The Artist recognises hidden artistic expressions in all things. The Artist recognises the many expressions of duality throughout the unified expression of experience. The Artist recognises the similarities between their artistic inclination and another’s. The Artist recognises the unfathomable meanings behind another’s artist’s expression of art. The Artist recognises many expressions of the experience, expressed within the expression of experience.”

/the-guardians :

“The Artist finds comfort and peace in the ability to express their sorrows and triumphs throughout the boundless expression of art. The Artist finds infinity in the realisation of the countless expressions a canvas can express. The Artist finds unconditional love in the inevitable attachment they express for their works of art. The Artist finds clarity in the expression of art, but loses themself within the expressing. The Artist loses themself within the expressing, only to find the expression of art in the art of expression.”

/the-guardians :

“The Artist faces the challenge of mastering the art of… art! The Artist faces the challenge of mastering the art of expression. The Artist faces the challenge of accepting criticism. The Artist faces the challenge of appealing to a world of subjective experience. The Artist faces the challenge of being understood through the expression of seeing. The Artist faces the challenge of being seen through the expression of understanding.”

/the-guardians :

“Although The Artist finds serenity in the expression of art and the art of expression, The Artist also faces the countless possibilities of how to express. Although The Artist recognises ambiguous expressions within their interpretation of the experience, The Artist fears not being recognised by others in their efforts to express.”

/the-guardians :

“The Jester believes in the power of laughter, in that it can cure the deepest sorrows. The Jester believes that self worth is dependant on whether or not others are entertained. The Jester believes that ridiculous physical expression is necessary for the expression of comedy. The Jester believes that they belong in the limelight, wherein they are able to make crowds upon crowds roar with laughter. The Jester believes in the importance of ridiculousness, and takes pride in their comical approach toward the experience of life.”

/the-guardians :

“Ah! But should the Pauper assume corruption, it would be the Wrongdoer who is doing wrong! The Wrongdoer who has found no morals. The Wrongdoer who has found ill will. The Wrongdoer who has found selfish greed. The Wrongdoer who has found wickedness. The Wrongdoer who  deceives the masses. The Wrongdoer who believes that in the finding of evil, they will never be found. A Wrongdoer as such? I assure you, there is nothing to worry about if you are concerned about their expression of The Watcher, for they can do nothing else!”

/the-guardians :

The ring of books that sits upon the roundtable becomes no more than a simple expression. You realise that the ring of books is an expression of infinity, what else could it be? The ring of books is an expression of infinity with every story telling a different tale, though they all fit into the same cycle of foreverness. The Oracle gracefully taps its fingers across the closest hardcover in the ring of books, whatever it may be, paralleling the rhythmic crackling of the kindling candle fire.

/the-guardians :

“Would you like to express it through unbelievable art? Would you like to speak in silence through the tint of your brush? Do you see the colors and the forms that bring it to life? Would you like to show the world your own interpretation of it? Would you like to show the world your own expression of it? Would you like to show the world? What would you like to show the world? Surely only you would know! Or maybe you would like to entertain the world in some other way?”

/the-guardians :

Then you get it, again, and again, and again, and again. That is what it will do. It will express all of them, as it already has. It is the expression of all of them, as it is. It has expressed all of them, as it did. That is all it is. It did not choose to be, and then became. It is always choosing and becoming, forever, and ever, and ever, and ever. You realise that what you want to express in your story, is this very expressing of all somethings.

/the-storyteller :

As the Apprentice returns to the stacking of the shelves, you notice a slight carelessness in the arrangement of the books. You look around and notice the same careless expression in the heap of empty crates, placed around the shop… carelessly. Suddenly, you remember when the careless one was you. As the Apprentice reaches to stack the final book, you begin “Could you please leave this book in its crate, and wipe the dusty window sills?”